I always wondering why normally people will choose Bowman instead of Marksman. Many tells that Bowman has higher DPS and some says Marksman is having Higher Damage . Some post did say that the different is the element ( Fire/Ice) and Marksman is better with the "stunt" After checking FM and asking guildmate and random peeps, crossbow eqp usually cheaper then bow and people always drop their Crossbow Scroll as in it's too cheap or no one want it. So I do have a plan to make a good Marksman. But before I go for it, want to listen different idea and comment from anybody. Any one have a different opinion or advice?
DPS BM > MM you can see here ( https://royals.ms/forum/threads/pirate-king-krexels-2nd-eye-dps-tests-bucc-and-sair.145069/ ) but you should play whatever you want
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/Rv7YvKj/brrr.png imagine still using your 3rd job skill as your primary DPS
1. MM still use 3rd job skill consistently after 4th job(other than snipe) 2. Hurricane easier to pin boss, thus easier to solo boss (imagine bosses like anego) 3. Rare to find a good xbow out there tbh other than these points, i think MM is underated
It's most likely due to the convenience factor. Most players prefer convenience over challenging gameplay styles. MM needs to alternate between Strafe and Snipe skill, forcing them to stare and focus on their screen every second. BM can just hold down hurricane hotkey without even looking at the screen. Along with Corsair's rapid fire, BM's hurricane skill is "glitched" and can be held down with your fingers off the keyboard. Most people find this too convenient to choose MM over BM.
people have liked bowman more than crossbow since before 4th job ever came out. it’s just cooler to most
I play both. Bossing wise, it is easier for BM to hold down Hurricane and semi-afk whereas Marksman requires attack timing "Strafe-Strafe-(Strafe)-Snipe-Strafe-Strafe-(Strafe)-Snipe..." to obtain maximum damage. I find 3rd Job Sniper to be easier to train (due to Blizzard's freeze ability at gobies) than Ranger. The great advantage of Marksman is that the sub-class is not overly gear-dependent for damage. Snipe does massive amounts of damage every 3 seconds (at max 30 mastery) and not overly affected by your Crossbow att whereas Hurricane damage is much affected by your bow and gear wep. att. The other great advantage of MM is that it does not drain MP rapidly whereas Hurricane drains MP fast! Finally, as the poster pointed out, Crossbows and their scrolls are cheaper than bows. However, an end-game crossbow is harder to find I think whereas there are plenty of good bows around. There is a perception in the community that BM has more impact at bossing. There is without a doubt that BM has higher Damage Per Second. However, when we are comparing Damage Per Minute, BM only has a slight advantage over MM. More troubling is the discrimination I face when I play MM versus when I play BM. I get fewer party invites as an MM when compared to playing my BM (Even though I know I am considered a support player as an archer at high-level bosses).
Make like 4 to 6 MMs. Just add hp, you don't need Dex on them cause the only skill they need to use is snipe. The cost of this strategy is the cost of leeching your firing squad to level 129. You don't need the characters to be 200. They reach full potential at level 129 when snipe is maxed and can do a whopping combined 200-300k DPS while being naked. Also, don't need to use stoppers or apples.
Well BM looks more cool, you can be like some pretty elf archer or something while crossbows look clumsy and weird (they cover your face and stuff) Hurricane also looks really cool while Strafe is kinda meh Then there is the damage, BM deals more damage per second/minute than a MM. Now the difference isn't that big like before, but back in old source when I made my BM it was a lot stronger than MM when they still had 100% damage strafe and long cd snipe. BM is more lazy also, you can just hold hurricane and go alt tab and chat/watch some drama while MM need to keep attacking and doing snipe every few seconds
Rifle Blade in the Cash Shop (Donor Item 5 RP) looks amazing with a crossbow (your character holds a rifle blade over his/her shoulders and slings it behind when climbing ropes/ladders). The firing animation looks like your character is actually using the bolt-action on the rifle. Knock back animation looks great too. It doesn't cover the face.
Most people don't have RP though Also in 2nd job Hunter is better than Xbowman, it attacks faster and Arrow Bomb is better than Iron Arrow. I'd say these 2 reasons are the main reasons why Hunter was more popular back in GMS even before 4th job (attack speed and the Xbows being ugly and covering your face) BM also got higher end game potential cause Snipe always does the same damage regardless of range, and Nisrocks are also quite cheap and common (perfect nisrock is a lot cheaper than other perfect weapons, and is easy to find unlike crossbows)
For some people, its about the weapon. Bows are much more common in other games vs. crossbows. Plus, you have Legolas and Robin Hood and other famous movie and folklore characters that use bows. I think people see bows much more often than crossbows, and that plays a factor in some of the choices.
This idea is so silly, but i love it XD just the idea of having a firing squad of barely equipped MMs taking turns shooting down a boss is really amusing to me for some reason But I wonder in which boss would this be even slightly practical to use? After all you won't be able to reposition at all with so many characters to control. That kinda gave me a different, yet still very degenerate idea. Snipe mule. In high lvl bossing, you can lvl up your SE mule to 139 and max both se and snipe. Now you can alt-tab to throw a snipe every 4 seconds while your main is still preforming a triple skill macro. potential 50k dps increase to your setup! Just remember to kill the mule near the end Imagine that in bosses like toad, which don't move, and just keeps on pinning your mules to the left, its perfect