This is still under construction! Table of Content Introduction Milestones Viability Alternatives Introduction Have you stumbled across the banner for MapleRoyals under the GSTOP website, and under its description, it says HP Washing Optional? Do you ever wonder what does it actually mean for a server to be HP Washing optional? Can you still play the game without worrying or experience HP washing at all? If not, what are the trade-offs? Well, I was in the same position as you before and wondered the same. So I'm here writing down this guide on the ways to gain HP without washing. Milestones Spoiler: Level for Bossing These are levels when you can start challenging the boss for experience. Level 135: Zakum, Scarlion, Targa and Krexel Level 145: Wulin/Shaolin Level 147: Bodyguard A Level 155: Bodyguard B Level 155: Horntail Level 170: The Boss Level 175: Auf Haven and Castellan Toad These are levels recommended to challenge the boss. Zakum: Level 135 onwards Krexel: Level 135 onwards Targa/Scarlion: Mid 15x Wulin/Shaolin: Mid 15x Horntail: From mid 16x to 18x, highly dependent on the level of funding Castellan Toad: Level 175 onwards Spoiler: Recommended HP without Hyperbody Zakum: 3,200 CWKPQ: 7,000 (Melee) Scarlion/Targa: 8,000 Horntail: 10,000 Wulin: 12,000 Dunas V2: 12,000 Auf Haven: 16,000 Castellan Toad: 16,300 Royal Guard: 18,000 (Touch Damage) Bodyguard A: 28,000 (Touch Damage) Do note, this doesn't account for Warrior's Max Archilles and Power Guard, Magician's Magic Guard, and Shadower's Mesos Guard. Medals Do note you can only equip one medal at a time! Master Adventurer Medal: + 200 HP / + 200 MP Difficulty: ★☆☆☆ Requirement: Completing 4th Job Advancement Arguably one of the easiest and direct way for your characters to gain HP. Thanks to the medals system, all players who have completed their 4th job advancement are entitled to this medal, which will be awarded by NPC Dalair, who can be found in most towns. Ergoth Bane: + 500 HP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Complete Sharenian Guild Party Quest 10 times A minimum of 6 players in the same guild are required to kick start the party quest, only someone holding the position of leader or jr. leader of a guild can organise the Guild Party Quest. An experienced party can takes about 25 minutes to complete each run. Monster Book Collection Master Collector: +500 HP / +500 MP Difficulty: ★★★☆ Requirement: 250 Sets of Monster Book Cards. Legendary Collector: +1000 HP / +1000 MP Difficulty: ★★★★ Requirement: 400 Sets of Monster Book Cards. This is more of a long term goal for most players, as the grinding for the cards can be tedious process, given some boss monsters or monsters have long respawn time/rate. Equipments Blackfist Cloak: + 120 HP ~ Difficulty: ★☆☆☆ Requirement: Nil, a random reward from Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest (CWKPQ) bonus stage Considered as the strongest cape in the game for non-Magician classes, it gives players up to 10 weapon attack with 5 scrollable slots. This cape can be only be found in the bonus stage of CWKPQ. However, if you have the means, you can just directly purchase it off from another player or from the market place, allowing you to skip the questline and the party quest entirely. Mark of Naricain: + 300 HP / + 300 MP ~ (5 are drops per CWKPQ) Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Crimsonwood Keep questline, drop from CWKPQ bosses Also know as MoN by some, this untradable necklace is considered the endgame and best necklace for most classes. It gives a range of 2 to 8 weapon attack, an average of 3 to 11 to all stats. To meet the bosses, you need to do a tedious questline, which takes about 5 hours or more to complete and a party quest, which is takes about 45 minutes to 1.2 hours to complete. Each character can only run the party quest twice a day. Scarlion Helmet (STR/DEX): +25 HP Difficulty: ★☆☆☆ Requirement: Completion of Off to the Fantasy Theme Park quest, drop from Scarlion Also know as Scar helm for short. It gives players a maximum stat of 24 of either Str or Dex, and 22 to all stats if is perfect, which is a little more than a perfect Zakum Helmet. On average, the questline takes about 2 to 5 hours to complete, and a time limit of 30 minutes to challenge and bring down Scarlion, who will drop 2 hats per run. You can either purchase to a service to help you to defeat the boss or attempt to challenge this difficult boss with a party. Broken Glasses: +25 HP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Level 35 + and complete 35 successful rounds of Ludibrium Party Quest Realistically, this is not considered a equipment of choice for endgame players, as there are better stats and tradable eye accessories out in the server. Sword Earring: +30 HP Difficulty: ★☆☆☆ Requirement: Level 100 +, dropped from Blue Mushmom Practically speaking, this is arguably one of the least flavourable ways to get more HP for players due to the small number of the earring, the long respawn timer for Blue Mushmom (23 hours, -20% to +20%) and small HP boost it gives. Pet Equipment: + 1050 HP (For 3 sets of perfect scrolled pet equipments) Difficulty: Luck and goal dependent Requirement: Own a pet. There are custom pet equipments scrolls in the server that awards you HP. It can give you from a range + 50 HP if you are using 10%/30% scrolls, to a modest +10 HP if you are using a 100% scrolls. Statistically speaking, striking a perfect set using 10% scroll is a 0.00001% event, while you have 0.02187% chance of striking a perfect set using 30%. You can only equip more than 1 pet pet if you have completed the jump quest in Henesys Pet Park with your pet. Rings 2 Carat Lovebirds Wedding Ring Stats: + 150 HP / + 150 MP + 3 to STR, DEX, INT and Luk + 5 to Jump and Speed + 1 Weapon Attack + 1 Magic Attack Difficulty: ★☆☆☆ Requirement: Obtainable during the Valentines Event each year. This is one of the best rings you can get in the server, not only it awards a sizeable HP boost but also weapon/magic attack to the wearer. Players have participate in the King Slime event boss that occurs during the yearly Valentine Day event. Taking active part in killing the boss will reward you with a Valentines Present. Exchanging these 20/30 times guarantees the ring. Ephenia's ring Stats: + 150 HP / + 150 MP + 1 Weapon Attack + 1 Magic Attack Difficulty: ★★★☆ Requirement: Completion of Ellin Forest Questline. While the questline is considered relatively straightforward, it is no means a walk in the park. Players have to complete numerous pre-requisite and collect various ingredients to craft the ring, which can be tedious for some players. Spoiler: Pre-requisite Complete Protect Ludibrium Questline Complete Ellin Forest Questline Complete Ellin Forest Party Quest Collect the ingredients from the challenges above. Pumpkin Pie Ring: +10 HP / + 10 MP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Obtainable during the Thanksgiving Event each year. Usually involves trading sets of thanksgiving ingredients to Grandma Benson in Henesys. Exchanging 10/20 sets rewards you with this ring. Zombie Army Ring: +100 HP / + 100 MP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Obtainable during the Halloween Event each year. Usually involves participating in the Pierre event boss. Taking active part in killing the boss will reward you with a Plump Pumpkin Box. Exchanging these 20/30 times guarantees the ring. Weapons Crimson Arclancer: + 200 HP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Nil, available for archers only This unique bow can be only be crafted after you have completed the related Crimsonwood Keep quests. Dusk Raven's Eye: +200 HP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Nil, available for archers only This unique crossbow can be only be crafted after you have completed the related Crimsonwood Keep quests. Note: Crossbows that are crafted from NPC Fiona, also give HP stats to archers. (I will add these at a later date) Mul Lung Dojo Yellow Belt: + 50 HP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: 1,800 training points This is the second easiest dojo belt to get, practically this can be done in a few days. Blue Belt: + 100 HP Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: 4,000 training points Red Belt: + 150 HP Difficulty: ★★★☆ Requirement: 9,200 training points For some players, this is an okay stopping point, they may choose to chaos it hoping to get better stats on the belt. Black Belt: + 300 HP Difficulty: ★★★★ Requirement: 17,000 training points Each day, you can gain a maximum of 1500 training points a day. This will roughly take about 12 days for you to gain enough points to equip one. This can be quite gruelling process, so I recommend to spread it out further to reduce the strain. Some players spread it out over a period of a few months to get this belt. This is also the best non-event belt in the server. Quests Spring of Youth: +500/1000 HP Difficulty: ★☆☆☆ Requirement: Level 70, not available for Magicians. This is considered an easy and relatively straightforward questline to do, as you will be collecting for items that are drop by monsters level 48 and below, as requested by NPC Mar the Fairy in Ellinia. This can take players on average 5 hours or more of grinding, it is highly recommended to collect the items beforehand. However, you can also choose to directly purchase the items required for the quest, and complete it within half an hour. Elixir of Life: +10/20 HP (Repeatable daily) Difficulty: ★★☆☆ Requirement: Level 120, not available for Magicians. This is considered a somewhat straightforward questline to do. It is highly recommended to carry a travel pass, which you can purchase from NPC Albert in the Free Market, in order skip most of the travel needed in order to collect for untradable items required by the NPC Reual. It takes about an average of 30 minutes to complete the quest per day. Spoiler: To do list 1. Table of natural/causal/committed HP 2. Add pyrope weapons 3. Add Face Accessories 4. Brew a fresh batch of coffee 5. Add pictures Spoiler: Draft What is Optional? Optional is because you still can access your skills without washing Not that optional because some bosses are not possible without washing. Classes that HP washings are optional: Heroes, Buccanner, Paladin Credits I would like to take a moment to give my thanks and express my gratitude @akash (akashsky), for giving me the permission to reproduce his work and allow me to adapt it for this server. For without him, this guide might not be possible.
The monster book HP rewards are medals just in case anyone else (like me) though they were some bonus hp reward and wanted to stack it with Ergoths Bane.
Thanks for this @ilyssia . Just noticed that you spelt it Mark of Narclain rather than Mark of Naricain.
We need like 18,000 HP to survive Royal Guard first Also, just want some clarification, the recommended HP to survive above is the HP needed when we have no equip on or when we have basic gear like Zakum Helmet?
Add some info for high difficulty bosses lovers Spoiler: Level for Bossing These are levels when you can start challenging the boss for experience. Level 170: The Boss(Bodyguard A: 147/Bodyguard B: 150) Level 175: Auf Haven(Royal Guard: 155/Core Blaze: 165) These are levels recommended to challenge the boss Auf Haven: 165(I'm not recommend you to challenge Auf for exp) Spoiler: Edit: Why? In Auf expedition we do 3 bosses in a row(Royal Guard+Core Blaze+Auf), first 2 bosses and Auf body1 are all easy to kill, HS, and party reorganization, where Auf body2 aka the final battle is not. Auf dispel a lot that bishop without heavily washing is not even easy to survive, the final exp gain is meh, and yeah, your HS will easily get dispelled, kill her ASAP without hesitation and enjoy the achievement you just reached that's all, please never think of getting exp form her. So why 165? cause I assumed you get a full party with all important roles, and everyone washed/well-off funded so you gonna join this boss expedition, the only high difficulty part is the final battle you don't even need high range like HT requires(her body2 got 430M HP only, usually killed by 3-5 attackers in 2 apples+few stoppers), minimum 165 you get exp from first 2 bosses that's pretty enough. TL; DR: Auf is not for exp/income/fast farm, it is mainly for fun party game/achievement, level 165 with enough HP then you good. Spoiler: Recommended HP without Hyperbody Assumed general full party, we got both melee(tank/pin) and range(main damage output). (Melee/Range) Vergamot: 12,000/6,000 Dunas Akihabara(V1): 15,000/15,000 Nibergen: 8,000/8,000 Nameless Magic Monster: 8,000/8,000 Dunas Sibuya(V2): 12,000/10,000 Royal Guard: 19,000/8,000 Auf Haven: 16,500/16,500(Theoretically 10,000 but not realistic) Bodyguard A: 28,000/0 or 28,000(You will probably just die if you get kicked) Bodyguard B: 14,000/0 The Boss: 21,000/0 I'd recommend 16.5k/28k as goal for range/melee Include gears of course, because no one bossing with quest completed but naked character LOL. BTW, for survivability only, mages should use MoN (add 300HP=tank 1500 more damage), rangers should use HTP(most range attacks from boss deal magic, egged HTP gives you very high magic defense and some INT which enhance it also).
Pyrope weapons give HP too. Some maple pyrope equipment even qualified as end game weapon, eg maple pyrope crow. edit: Also Broken glass, pumpkin ring, zombie ring, Rudolph nose
Is Dusk Raven really available? I'm able to craft other things but not that one. Never seen it around either
YOU SAW NOTHING! YOU SAW SOMETHING! Thank you! I have added some of the information you have kindly provided. Thank you and much appreciated. Thanks for the additional information. I have added the rings, will do the rests on a later date. Oof, is Dusk Raven's Eye! Thanks for the catch, I have corrected it.
I think the daily HP gain for Elixir of Life should be 100. 10 HP is just a drop in the ocean, and people have a life (hopefully)
You should add Maple anniversary earrings and EPQ earrings too, those give a sweet bit of HP which I appreciate a lot on my HP wash journey Oh and I believe maple weapons gives HP too, I used those until lv105 Scar helm and rudolph shiny nose also gives HP which i love