These attempts at meso sink did depreciate the market accordingly. Just implement an OPTIONAL meso sink like the shortlived chair gacha giving untradeable chairs a few years back. Psychologically, this would not demotivate people trying to earn meso honestly & consistently and without relying on the evil of RNG scrolling. I remember when id make 80m an hour minus 2m an hour for pot cost without leech at ulu1, now down to 55m minus 5m at ulu2. Did the market adjust for this? nope. last year, 91/19, 140, 146 weapons were about 20-22b. now 27-28. This shows INFLATION despite the frustrating nerfs.
I believe the reason for the low prices back then were:
I mean ws is 500m and a perfect ST costs 3b? Unless everybody is using something special, it should cost 38b? Even if somehow ws was 400m, it should be 31b. I'm very surprised. Maybe 10% isn't really 10%. I can't really answer why the market moves like that, but there's no reason to believe that this nerf didn't cause prices to drop. At least vip services seem to have gotten cheaper. EDIT: i think most scrolls have gotten cheaper too (int gears have fallen too) only cs/ws remain the same. More endgame players now?
Ulu still is by far the most consistent and reliable way of making money in the game, so in that regard nothing really changed.
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I think that the overall idea of patch 65 wasn't all that bad. Prices during the COVID high point were pretty ridiculous (Gen 20 cost around 850M and Gen 30 cost around 1.2B) which was insane for any new player to try an attempt especially with a chance of failure on both books. ULU and the other leeching maps are undoubtedly a large source of income for the server through drops alone so I personally think taking them down a notch wasn't a bad idea. However, I don't think we needed to roll out all the nerfs in Update 65 at once. Did we really need to hit ULU and Petri spawn rates, the drop rate of equips AND the pot prices? Could we not have spread the nerfs over a few updates to measure the effect of each change independently? Additionally, I really only think that we have to be concerned over the amount of equips players are NPCing from these maps since NPCing equips is the primary force driving inflation. Honestly, leeching in exchange for meso's should be encourage simply for the reason that it increases the number of meso trades on the server which removes money from the economy through the effect of the tax.
The only solution for that would be a flat cut of equipment sell price. (droprate nerf to equips would hurt non mages more than mages, and make the official droprate of this server even more confusing) I've suggested it before, and also talked with @Joong about this in private in regards to how feasible a flat sell price cut would be. (correct me if im wrong @Joong) He informed me that he could use a script, and be able to change the sell price of all the items by a % amount. If we want a different meso sink to the ones added in update 65 i'd reckon we'd need something along the lines of 20% lower sell price on all equips in the game. Btw, im not advocating a reversion of all the update 65 changes, some changes were made to deal with game balance, and not just pure meso sink bandaid solutions. Just adding a suggestion for a solution