I‘d like to discuss the ability to jump down in Zakum just like in most maps (through the floor). I don’t really see the point in not being able to do it and i feel like it would be a good QoL update! What are your thoughts? Ty for sharing your opinion~
This change would not affect the JQ but there is an alternate questline to skip the JQ you can look into
Definitely. I especially hate it in the hands phase when i want to be on a specific platform at the bottom right to hit multiple hands, but i have max jump so i end up being unable to get to that platform with a normal jump. I gotta walk to the back and fall one platform to get there. Thats super annoying to do mid fight and ends up not being worth the hassle. Being able to also jump down from the top left plat would be a nice QoL I honestly don't understand why is that a thing in Zak, many other boss maps don't have this random limitation
Totally agree. Looting helmet and/or other items dropped on bottom right platform is so much hassle, especially with haste in effect.
@Gryffindor and if this alternative questline is too much of an hassle to you, i would also suggest @sparky95 's service https://royals.ms/forum/threads/smokescreen-service-for-jq-suckers.169412/
Agree with this completely. Is it a client limitation that disallows this mechanic to be implemented? Perhaps it would be good for us to come up with a comprehensive list of boss maps that disallow the down-jump mechanic to present to Staff. So far ITT, we have Zakum and Nibergen. Any others people can think of?
even if you are the worst at JQ it takes like 3 times as fast doing the JQ than doing that quest. just make sure you do it drunk or stoned to prevent rage.
Ty for your input. I don’t have a Problem with the JQ at all and this post is nothing about Zakum prequest (Jumpquest Stage). We are debating about the Zakum boss fight. I just mentioned the alternate questline as it was indirectly asked for. Now let’s get back to the ability to Jump down while fighting Zakum and maybe other bosses like nibergen
I doubt we need more votes to show the communities desire. Could we get any statement by the officials ?
Please note that this Feedback thread is labeled as under discussion. Bumping the thread unfortunately won't affect the speed of the deliberation/implementation process. We'll let you know as soon as there is an update