Dear GMs; I have been playing egg PQ for more than 30 runs and only have won 2 runs, I seek to have the feeling of winning... but in vain Cause every time if there's only one range class it's a lose, and if it's a lose, range classes tend to have 15~20 more ribbons in the end of the PQ and other non range classes can only get to 50~60ish ribbons, which is totally unfair!! Not to mention if range classes wanna steal egg mobs from you, they can just attack in first hand and u will get nothing and wasted time, and NLs are usually really mean to other non range players, just cause they have the advantage of jumping and attacking at the same time. in the end range classes will have more chance of getting more ribbons and exchange for chair and sell them for meso, while other non range classes still have lower number My opinion on this unfair PQ is to let range classes attack like other non range classes so that other non range classes can finally experience the feeling of winning. Best Regards, A Bullied Hero in Egg PQ
Range classes is at an advantage compared to non range classes at Egg PQ. To have a more balanced experience, I believe everyone attack speed should be the same inside the event map. However, I am not sure how the community would feel about this.
Nerf them, I stop doing egg pq after 5 straight loose and ks from range classes, dont even worth the effort
I mean it could just be done like snowman where everyone is given the same weapon and if they take it off they die if you really want it to be as fair as possible. Same attack speed isn't fair since melee still has a disadvantage even with the faster weapons. There's no incentive to play melee in egg pq since you're going to be down 10-20 eggs regardless of whether you win or lose Meme Edit: RIP CLASS IDENTITY
Everyone having the same weapon isnt a bad idea then agian "rip class identity". I believe an adjustment is needed for those people that only have melee characters.
We already discussed the possibility of forcing players to use the same weapon before Egg PQ was released. Felt it would add a lot of awkwardness to the PQ; the extra steps of having to give out a weapon, ensuring that the player has that weapon equipped, giving them ammo for the weapon, removing the weapon afterwards, and repeat for each PQ. When the PQ itself is intended to just be a pretty casual fun thing and not exactly very competitive. If melee players use a fast weapon they should be able to get almost the same amount of ribbons as a ranged class. And the amount of times you win or lose isn't related to whether you are melee or ranged, since the parties are balanced, therefore I expect if somebody has lost 28 out of 30 matches that they are either incredibly unlucky or have not been trying their hardest during the PQ.
hmmm but now it's just very unfair maybe can be chnaged to less unfair so that more warriors would love to participate this PQ, casue now if u enter Egg PQ u only see less than 10 warriors and i just dont think it's a fair experience to have. especially when range attacker starts to be mean to non range attackers, that's the thing that makes me sad and upset.
no they will not be usele, they would just be like warriors, and will still be fun. hmmm maybe not fun for all NLs but at least fair for all non range class
I think it's a good idea to have the same weapon and same attack speed and next i have no idea what a melee is, but I hope Gms can see my feedback and hopefully can somehow change this unfair experience.
Hi dear Gm : it was supposed to be casual and fun but still many non ranged classes have the same experience like me, which is seldomly win in Egg pq and usually gets bullied in egg pq by range classes, cause once u attack more than half of the HP that ribbon will be yours, so range class tend to be really competitive in this PQ (not all but a lot of times) and other non range class can't do nothing but to leave the platform and look for other places, so in the end i meant that NLs will have around 20 more ribbons more than other class is reasonable. I think I might just be unlucky to have 2 warriors on team more than 10 times, cause once u see 2 warriors = Lose, since I've never seen any team win with 2 warriors, maybe dont need to change everyone to have the same weapon, just to somehow make this PQ more fair would be nice for warriors. At least, not having the feeling of being bullied. Warriors are already the weakest class in Royals, and not in PQ is still the same and it's jsut quite sad to have a warrior, but at the same time can't afford other classes cause I'm new and also it's freaking expensive to have other range classes. Hope to see more Warriors in this game, not just NL Royals f4 thanks for your reply~
maybe a temporary solution is to have all melee or all range parties competing against each other instead of having hybrid parties
that's a possible solution but in the end non range classes will be so slow at collecting the ribbons, let's say each run around 15 ribbons more and warriors will have around 55 each run so range class will have 70 ribbons so 15 difference per run so after 20 run will be already a huge difference.
Where's the fun part on being ksed over and over by ranged classes on a pq that is suposse to be fun for everybody and "balanced"? Nls literally stay at 1 plat kill stealing and jumping to clear more than 1 platform while melee have to move all around avoiding ksing and looking for more eggs, not funny lol.
Wouldnt making claws and bows unusable in event pq easier than distributing claws for all classes and retrieving them back? Personally I see no reason to nerf ranged class in this event tho; don't have to be cutthroat winner for 20 more tokens in this rather relaxed event.