IGN: bibian Problem: Dropped Dran's Notes Details: Dropped Dran's Notes etc. item once I finished this quest: https://bbb.hidden-street.net/quest/mu-lung-nihal-desert/dr-de-langs-notes Was supposed to try dropping it after accepting For Phyllia/Alcadno/Zenumist but I didn't acept any of the quests and just dropped it. There is no quest to forfeit / I tried accepting and forfeiting all quests related and there is no new quest for me to take to recover the etc. item. Happened around Tue, May 4, 2021, 08:51 servertime. nvm resolved
If I'm not wrong, the Reacquiring quest will appear only if any of the three possible quests (For Phyllia, For Alcadno or For Zenumist) is active. Try accepting one of the quests, and without forfeiting it, Alcaster should have the Reacquiring quest available for you, at least that worked for me. Gl