EYE OF TIME You know... I've always found the existance of Eye of Time in each and every map of ToT as a weird design choice. Each area increases in the level of mobs, starting from memory monks at lvl 91 to Chief oblivion guardians at lvl 131. But compared to them, Eye of Time stays as a weak lvl 80 mob that is just... there. I can't think of many maps in the game with such a big level disparity (up to 51 lvls of difference!) except maybe CWK's maps, but even then it's mostly a disparity between normal mobs and a boss mob. Someone who goes to ToT, especially to the higher lvl maps of ToT, can probably already 1 shot these eyes of time (maybe even deal damage x2 times worth of their HP lol), and the rewards they give are not fitting for such a high lvl grinding map. While there is a place for them in the level range of the first 5 maps of ToT (memory lane), I feel like the level disparity becomes apparent already from RoR, and become downright silly in oblivion maps. So, why remove them? They take up spawn space, and soak up hits from multi-target skills, in an already not very popular set of maps in this game [even tho the maps are very much endgame quality imo]. This is just another small QoL for the people who do like to grind in those maps. In terms of nostalgia, these mobs are going nowhere, as they will remain in the memory lane area, you could still easily collect their card set, or farm their items if you really want to. (as far as i remember, i usually gained their set at around memory lane 3~4) In terms of game balance, I don't see many people grind in ToT when I'm there, at best i see either someone going through the questline, or searching for the area boss, but rarely do i see people actively grinding there. A small buff via removal of these weak mobs from the map won't break the game. In terms of lore, it seems like they don't really have a reason to be in all the maps of ToT, apparently they are just a random hourglass that was dropped by an adventurer, which was affected by the power of the temple: So yea, feel free to participate in the poll or say what you think down below
Can't say from the top of my head if this is true, but I believe Eye of Time spawns gradually decrease throughout the 15 mob maps in ToT until Oblivion 5 where none of them spawn anymore. I thought that aesthetically that was a pretty neat progression. I don't believe they're that much of a sore for late-game grinding that they should be outright removed, especially since the ultimate grinding map already has none of them.
You bring up valid points from a game balance perspective. I too am a fan of ToT, and it is severely underrated given it's insane spawn and experience (grinding in a 4 person party, two mages and two mules was great exp when a friend and I were doing quests.) The drops are also nice, but having some spawn being eaten up by those eyes does put a damper on things. If I were to design ToT, then yes, I would only include eyes in the first maps (Memory Lane). (From a lore perspective, adventurers only make it so far blah blah...) I disagree with your logic here. Just because the lore doesn't mention an explicit location, doesn't mean they don't have a reason to be in any ToT map. My interpretation of the monster book entry is the exact opposite of what you're asserting here; an adventurer traveling through Time Lane could mean any place in the temple, i.e. adventurers walking through RoR or OBV have lost their hourglasses, so to speak. One could further imagine hourglasses following adventurers deeper into the temple, but at that point I'm just having fun with the lore. Unless there is another piece of the lore I'm missing, I don't see this supporting your point. At any rate, I'm indifferent.
I remember that in GMS I used to get a lot of Pieces of Time from these monsters (maybe their drop rate was higher than the other monsters), but since there are no Pieces in Royals (yet?) I see no reason to why they should take mob slots at the final maps of ToT.
I mentioned before in a different feedback that hourglass mobs result in an inefficient grinding environment due to their weird hitbox. Removing them from the regret/oblivion roads may turn ToT into a favorable archmage grinding spot once again.
I'd guess they had a normal rate, but they are simply easier to kill which made it an easier way to get those rocks? idk
What i was getting at by mentioning the lore is npt that the lore doesn't match with the fact that they are everywhere, but instead, that the lore won't be contradicted by the change suggested. The lore doesn't specify anything in regards to the hourglass needing to be in all of the temple, therefore the change won't hurt the lore.
You made me remember, im a huge fan of ToT, and i always tought that hourglass was kind of like this: But for PB, wich would make sense to have it in all maps except for the entry, the day i read monster book....was more than dissapointing, and the worse thing in ToT lore imo. I dont see a real reason to not change it for the sake of convenience tbh... Voted yes.
Hahaha ikr? the lore they made for it is so fricking lame... when i saw it in all the maps. i thought something like "maybe these are the time goddess' messengers, that act as her eye that watch through time (both past and future)", but no, just a very specific and honestly random lore that do no match the fact that its a very unique mob for its environment.
I’m up for removing it. Purely from a grinding spot POV, if we could replace EoT with the regular spawns in the map, that would make endgame grinding at ToT more relevant to current times. Additionally with the current added bonus for party EXP, that’s one more reason to join the ToT squad
Eye of Time have a 2-3x higher chance of dropping piece of times than other ToT mobs, so considering future content I'd say no