https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/VB9rVxF/Leafre-Fashion-Week.png RULES Please refer to the main event thread for more information! Each player may only submit one entry. Each entry may include only one player, but may include multiple characters. Players may not "reserve" spots in the thread to submit an entry at a later time. Players who successfully participate in all four Fashion Weeks will be automatically eligible for the Grand Prize. Screenshots must be unedited, uncropped, and be within the Leafre region--including the Temple of Time! Islanders may substitute the Leafre region with any location in Maple Island. The People's Choice award will be determined by the forums likes of a submission. All entries must abide by Game Terms & Conditions as well as the Forum Rules & Regulations. PRIZES The winner of each category will receive a Tania Cloak tagged by yours truly! THE MOST CREATIVE COUTURE (1 winner) THE HAUTTEST ROYALTY (1 winner) THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE (1 winner) In addition, at the end of MapleRoyals Fashion Week, one player will sweep away a mysterious GRAND PRIZE! :3 FORMAT :3 To participate, please post a reply to this thread following this format: IGN: Brand: Description (optional): Spoiler: SAMPLE SUBMISSION IGN: Terushima Brand: Cobalt filigree suit courtesy of Ms. Coco Chanel. Accompanying silk piece and feathers handsewn by Lakelis herself. Description (optional): Titled Angel and the Fairy, one may consider this work to be an... interpretation of Beauty and the Beast. Sorry I haven't changed the sample submission, I am extremely poor and lazy. https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/VLnK5h0/wonkerz.png
IGN: JooQQ Brand: l'oeuf à la coque Description (optional): Forgot to loot the egg after defeating horntail? Fret not, with l'oeuf à la coque’s latest collection, you can become the egg yourself!
IGN: nutLeafcity Brand: In Cinere, the wild collection, by Anego, for Anego. Description (optional): Part One Weeks after Anego's flight crash landed, guided by a dragon spirit, she made her way through the jungles of Leafre to the Nine Spirit's Nest. In the distance, a giant stork flies. Salvation? She dons a crown of lush birk leaf. At her back is a most reliable shell composed of dragon turtle scales. An egg shell, taken atop a Nest Golem, encompasses her physique, immersing her in the environment. Woven from the twigs and moss of the Nine Spirit's tree, her sandals cushion her feet. Her young innocence is washed away by her war paint; blood of the Leviathan. ju i hate you
IGN: Ayriah Brand: Lé Afré Description (optional): Welcome Royalers to the lavishing Leafre! We at, Lé Afré, would like to ask you 1 question. When you think of Leafre, what's the first thing that comes to mind? For us, the thing that always jumps up at us is the beautiful, vibrant colors that you see throughout the region. Whether you are up north at the Dragon Canyon or down south here at the local forest that surrounds Leafre, there is just so many lovely colors all around! Thus brings us to theme we would like to present you. We present, our Harps Collection. This collection features 2 outfits. We'll start off with our Harp oufit. The dress is a Blue One-Shoulder Sequin Gown. The shoes are hand-crafted using leather made of the Blue Wyvern. The hairpiece is a Hydrangea arrangement. To top everything off, using the feather of a Harp as a catalyst, we imbued with magic to give a projection of a Blue Phoenix that will gracefully follow you around, giving you a majestic look. Now moving on to our Blood Harp outfit. The dress is a Red One-Shoulder Sequin Gown. The shoes are hand-crafted using leather made of Red Wyvern. The hairpiece is a Red Rose arrangement. Similarly like the Harp Outfit, we used the feather of a Blood Harp to make a projection of a Red Phoenix. As you can see, both of these outfits uses the vibrant color of the Harps as its theme!
IGN: jujutso Brand: Gods Creation Description (optional): Because even when ur out there, fighting against wild monsters, you should still look at ur finest!
IGN: duos Brand: Adeline André 's limited wedding single. 3-piece Beau Tuxedo hand-sutured in white sicilia shawl wool. Description (optional): Ms. Priestly wasn't available to comment, however her secretary, Emily quotes that Miranda has classified André 's rendition of the beau tuxedo as an "ageless spark".
IGN: ChupaY Brand: WTL- What The Leafre Description (optional): When you need a moment at leafre to chill alone, something weird happens, and than u you realize no one was there to see that, WTL.
IGN: Sharpay Brand: Dior Description (optional): Le mythe Dior, a short film by DiorAs the Pandemic continues on, the exclusive launch is virtually held and broadcasted live via a film in relation to nature, depicting the model as woodland nymph alongside Cornians and rare mythical creatures that populated the Dragon Forest. In the film, the model is dolled up in Dior's intricate off-the-shoulder lace top, transparent skirt and mesh sheer stockings embroided with Emerald swarovski rhinestones that shine through the Dragon Forest stage.
IGN: Miera Brand: "Sunnie Collection" by Fleur d'Eden Description: Mother Nature's signs of spring are longer days and flowering buds. Sunnie Collection by Fleur d'Eden is meticulously crafted in the quest for a streamlined modern wardrobe, emphasizing on lighter fabrics and free-flowing forms to capture the essence of spring. Channel 14 Free Market's Artistic Director le'Nose and his crew recreate the floaty day dress apparel using new materials and contemporary silhouettes. Spoiler Photo taken before Covid-19 outbreak.
IGN: DaddyAmigo Brand: WowWood Apparels Description: You wooden want to enter the wildwood with no WowWood
IGN: Riellex3 Brand: L'Oriélle Femme V Description (optional): Where many of our journeys end, we visit the priests of Leafre for a final test. L'Oriélle presents an outfit in honor of their role in unlocking our adventurers' true potentials. From the top down, we have the black silk eyepatch representing our Pirate Priest, Samuel. The dark silk was woven carefully by Leafre's Max himself for maximum comfort of our user. By wearing this eyepatch, we also display(or rather hide) the sacrifices that were made for explorers to have reached these heights. Below that, we have Hellin's leather mask. Handed down from generations and even worn by the Dark Lord himself, this mask consists of the very durable and valuable rexton leather, dyed to blend in any dark surrounding. Another +1 for protection against pandemics! Up next is our green cloak matching that of our very own Legor, the Bowman Priest. Thanks to the fur from native Rashes, this cloak has been fashioned to be both lightweight and warm for managing in the upper regions of the dragon canyon. Our model's purple robe was woven courtesy of none other than Gritto herself. In addition to complimenting our model's lightweight apparel, it's also known that this robe bears magical abilities when empowered by our Magician Priest Finally, our outfit would not be complete without a blade provided by Harmonia himself. Forged in Horntail's fire, this blade garnishes a beautiful contrast to our model's outfit. With our outfit complete, our model shines a brilliant blue and yellow glow that resembles those of our almighty priests.
IGN: Faithx3 Brand: Angry Sheep Herder by Serenity Description (optional): Sheep herding is a hard job especially when they're all trying to kill you.
IGN: jonuh Brand: haute coutaurus Description: For years, I’ve always dreamed of being a coutaurus. I always fantasized about being a large half-man and half-horse roaming on these verdant woods, only except I wanted to be taller. Horses were too short for my liking. I suddenly got a great idea. I had worked on stretching my anal cavity for several years. I eventually got my a****** stretched out wider than the wide end of a tuba. With my high fashion déguisement that I have found on aliexpress, I went to the local zoo. I figured with my a**hole stretched to its fullest extent, I could fit an entire giraffe’s head and neck into my a** and be an even taller centaur. I grabbed some giraffe feed and filled my a****** to the brim. I began to approach the giraffe enclosure, and quickly enough a large giraffe approached the fence. I turned around and pulled my britches down to my ankles, revealing my stuffed shitter. I made sure nobody was looking. There was a sparkle in that giraffe’s like a little kid seeing a bowl full of fruity pebbles. It leaned down and began to furiously eat the feed. My whole body began to quiver out of extreme excitement. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Tears of joy began to stream down my face. The giraffe continued to work its tongue as it got close to the end of eating. I made sure to bury some pieces in my cavity so it has a little struggle, buying me some time. I started backing up, making sure the giraffe’s entire head was in my a**. Suddenly, I heard a loud “HEY!” coming from my left. I look over and there were 3 foo's sprinting towards me. “SHIT!” I yelled out. I needed to hurry this the fuck up. Without warning, I jumped up with the giraffe’s head still in my a**. We raised up in unison which caused me to slide all the way down the giraffe’s neck. I cried out in joy. I was a large coutaurus now. I slapped the giraffe’s a** and it jumped the enclosure’s fence. We ended up trampling over the pursuing foo's which made for an easy getaway. I burst through the entrance and galloped away into the vast lands of Leafre, happy to fulfill my fantasy.
IGN: McPewPew Brand: Le Auberge Tournesorres Description (optional): How Time Regained Its Tenor After much time has passed, a discovery of one's self was made astray in the pursuit of perfection. As the sounds of chimes and unknown voices filled the room, the spotlight - made to look like a moon - shined on the stairways leading upwards towards the next step which one has to take. A coat designed by Max Mara, handwoven from brown vicuna wool, and made to hold on to one's comfort in times of good and bad. The coat showcases how in the walks of success, the apparent need of self-consciousness forms and take hold of one's identity. Not letting go, no matter the odds. And a timepiece made by Audemars Piguet. With strap and bezel made from rubber infused with ceramic - to enhance its lifespan in this everlasting journey - along with many 0.1 carat diamonds imbedded into the crystal and bezel, unveiling its significance to the wearer. As the steps of the runway is being ascended, bit by bit, the dazzling reflection of the timepiece is reflected onto the spectators down below. An instance felt like an eternity, with every step taking longer and longer before arriving at the end. But as the journey going up had been long, everything else seems like a memory fading away. Will this be the end? Or is this another mirage which is part of one's voyage to attain success? Only time will tell ~ Spoiler listen to ToT BGM while reading for optimisation
IGN: WheresMyHeal Brand: Jail Break Description (optional): doing my time in maple jail for stealing candies, read the Terms and conditions carefully to find out how to get your own Jailbird Uniform!
IGN: Nikky Brand: Dark Dragon Goddess Description (optional): The secret to avoiding those nasty dispels & deaths is to try and blend in with the wyverns..
IGN: Knoows Brand: David Sheepe Description (optional): The David Sheepe collection is looking to merge quality fashion with workwear. With leaves imported from leafre being the featured item David Sheepe can be worn anywhere from friendly gatherings to hunting with friends. The model is pictured in the clothes hunting for sheep in leafre with some friends.
IGN: Haengbok Brand: Debonaire Dragonaire Description: After coming back from gathering Rash furballs to keep Ito's egg warm, the egg I was asked to help taking care of hatched! The creature was... much smaller than I thought for such a big egg, but at least it seems friendly... The extra Rash feathers was used alongside with a few Harps feathers to make a very fashionable yet comfortable outfit. Who knew working at a Draco Daycare could be such a fashionable and pleasant time?