https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/9vTq1ZM/New-Leaf-City-Fashion-Week.png RULES Please refer to the main event thread for more information! Each player may only submit one entry. Each entry may include only one player, but may include multiple characters. Players may not "reserve" spots in the thread to submit an entry at a later time. Players who successfully participate in all four Fashion Weeks will be automatically eligible for the Grand Prize. Screenshots must be unedited, uncropped, and be within the New Leaf City region--including the Phantom Forest! Islanders may substitute the New Leaf City region with any location in Maple Island. The People's Choice award will be determined by the forums likes of a submission. All entries must abide by Game Terms & Conditions as well as the Forum Rules & Regulations. PRIZES The winner of each category will receive a Tania Sword tagged by yours truly! THE MOST CREATIVE COUTURE (1 winner) THE HAUTTEST ROYALTY (1 winner) THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE (1 winner) In addition, at the end of MapleRoyals Fashion Week, one player will sweep away a mysterious GRAND PRIZE! :3 FORMAT :3 To participate, please post a reply to this thread following this format: IGN: Brand: Description (optional): Spoiler: SAMPLE SUBMISSION IGN: Terushima Brand: Cobalt filigree suit courtesy of Ms. Coco Chanel. Accompanying silk piece and feathers handsewn by Lakelis herself. Description (optional): Titled Angel and the Fairy, one may consider this work to be an... interpretation of Beauty and the Beast. Wow, the sample submission is still Orbis? Come on... https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/VLnK5h0/wonkerz.png
IGN: Ayriah Brand: Olde Sapp Description (optional): Welcome to New Leaf City Royalers! I'm sure many of you are familiar with this area as you climb up to to the infamous Crimsonwood Keep to conquer and claim the riches (lets be real... cwk always dry) that are said to be there. You might've also noticed the old Prendergast Mansion that is rumored to be haunted as you go through the Phantom Forest. People claim that there are zombies, ghosts, and possessed toys that will attack you on sight. However... have you ever heard about the little girl that is said to still live in the mansion? Legend has it that you have to go into the maze-like mansion, constantly going into several hallways, sometimes ending up in hallways where the ceiling ends up being the floor. As time passes you eventually start asking yourself, "Where am I?" you see a room with the lights on. You go inside and you notice that you are in a little girl's room. You notice the giant portrait of a little girl in the middle of the room and you can't help but just stare at it. As you are looking at the portrait you suddenly get a chill up your spine. You turn around and you see a little girl. She is wearing a blue dress, white knee high socks, black shoes and a bright red ribbon on her hair. You also notice that she has a doll that looks eerily similar to her. The little girl starts giggling and she slowly starts walking towards you. She keeps asking if you want to play with her and her dolly. You are too terrified to answer, you gun it for the door. The door suddenly slams shut. You try to open it but its no use, it just won't budge. The little girl suddenly appears right behind you and whispers, "This isn't the stopper room, uwu!" That's the last time you were ever seen.
IGN: duos Brand: Givenchy featuring the Marine blue Flowing Wind robe accompanied with a Spring Rain Parasol. Description (optional): In honor of Emily who deserved to go to Paris, Givenchy presents the "dreamy wind" to reach new heights. This piece also reflects our reaffirmation and commitment to recognize the contributions of LGBTQ+ community who has helped us reach new heights. Thank you Fashion Week 2021. Until next time.. stay beautiful.
IGN:jujutso Brand:Model In Peril Description (optional):It's been 1337 days since that horrible day... i still remember it as it was yesterday... We visited nlc for the yearly Prada show which is held in a random city every year. This day is the last day i can remember the model Izabel from. When she went on stage, walked and displayed herself SHE SUDDENLY DISAPPEARD. The searches went for 21 days, she was nowhere to be found.
IGN: GhostBiShop Brand: 18th Century Chinese Zombie Description (optional): I was asking Sophilia:" Shall I join as a resident in haunted house?" "It depends on how you are different from us." So... I jumped... "Welcome to our family......." A GhostBiShop never resurrect, never and ever................
IGN: Flowerbuns Brand: Catherine Walker Description (optional): It's that time of the year again, the streets are lined with crowds waving flags as the parade arrives at the Bigger Ben. This year, the ceremony of parading soldiers, horses and musicians begin with a special Haute Couture show where the model is seen elegantly dressed in Classic 80's smart hat and a naval-feeling white coat dress designed by Catherine Walker.
IGN: nutLeafcity Brand: Découverte Description (optional): Part One, Part Two, Part Three. Mu Lung is left behind as Anego indulges in a modeling career. She attends an underground fashion show in the city of opportunity, New Leaf City. Beyond the camera flashes, she spots a young, handsome, sharp man, who will soon be known as Male Boss. Discovery. Anego is sporting the powerful Masteria Collection. Ever insightful, she wears the infinity circlet, originally forged by the mage masters of the guilds of Masteria and recreated by the Barricade Brothers. She dons a silver wolf cloak derived from durable bigfoot leather. The overall, a lost design, the ultimate Bosshunter armor. Along the trim of the cloak are Typhon feathers and lining the inner overall is the rarest of comforters, Typhon down. They emanate a strong glow. All these pieces together grant a powerful appearance, demanding of attention. I really enjoyed these fashion week events. Thanks everyone who took the time to check out my submissions! I'd like to thank MaiAh, xTaiga, and Jinium for helping me put together this specific screenshot. I'd also like to specially thank Wooa and Jinium for helping me throughout with deciding screenshots. Also, I'm quite happy that the last week is in the city of my namesake
IGN: Saturn Brand: Radiant Description: :3 It's been enjoyable getting to share different aesthetics this year. I love seeing everybody's creativity. Hope to do this again in the future. <3 ~Happy Mapling everyone, and stay stylish uwu
IGN: Nikky Brand: Somber Pianist Description (optional): As she finished playing her last song alone, she thought she heard a voice singing along... maybe she wasn't so lonely after all. (sorry I'm not creative LOL but this event was really fun! Loved seeing everybody's submissions!)
IGN: Retsuko Brand: L'Oriélle Description (optional): This week we have L'Oriélle's cover girl sporting a modern french-inspired outfit. From the top we have a beautifully woven beret with material from our finest emporiums here in New Leaf City! Our model wears a coat fashioned using the rare fur from the Krakian Jungle Gryphons. Towards the bottom we see her Odile slippers mended by NLC's finest, Elpam. They say his techniques are not of this world...
IGN: Knoows Brand: Rawr by XD Description (optional): Mid 2000's mall hangout style has made a comeback to NLC. The style is anything bright, loud and mismatched because thats just who you are and no matter what anyone says it's not just phase .
IGN: Gilgamesh7 Brand: Headless Horseman Description (optional): "Before I was cursed and turned into the headless horseman... I cared about fashion. Oh my God look at this tacky pink horse!"
IGN: LawNL Brand: The Yeti and the bunnies Description (optional): What could be more fashion than a big Yeti carrying cute little bunnies?
IGN: McPewPew Brand: Le Auberge Tournesorres Description (optional): The Finale The grind to perfection has result in a deep obsession. With rock carved statues reminding us of what our past is build upon and what the future may hold. From Alexander McQueen a blue shirt showcasing the vibrant clam and peace the wearer has found over these 4 seasons, and a white suspender connected with a white shorts, showcasing the unity in which the wearer has found themselves to be in. A pair of brown knit gloves from Fendi made from wool which is set to bring comfort to even the smallest details (your pinky) and represent the past. And blue sliders from Chanel set to remind the user of the modern times. As the model realized that it was the end of the runway, one last step onto the highest peak engraves the possibility of something more, something greater than being an angel, something we all dream before we sleep, but now its time to rest.
IGN: Haengun Brand: L'apprenti de Hsalf Description: As the Events coming to an end, the thief disciple returns to the shadow and continues his endless training. Inspired by one of the Crimsonwood Keep's Twisted Masters, Hsalf. Looking forward for more future Events~!