my guildmate got a perfect weapon just selling apr. Safe way to get money, some peoples have very lucky on RNG
Sorry PalmTree, I should have been more specific. It differs from your suggestion in the sense that the "+5000 HP cap regardless of your current HP" is not what we've done with Reuel's quests, which do take your current HP and potential HP into consideration. The reasoning behind this caution is what I tried to communicate in my last reply! I don't agree with the premise of the question "why hasn't the HP/MP reward bee reconsidered", but of course you cannot know what we discuss internally. It has been considered, and we would like to include Party Quests in future ways to gain HP. Do please share why you think this would be more broken than a flat +5000 HP cap! (Of course taking base INT and MP-to-HP conversions into account to calculate the HP gain may be difficult at a low level. I haven't crunched these numbers.) It's not rude, and I don't avoid things on purpose! I can't give you a better timeline than: We hope to include these changes in one of the upcoming patches, which based on preceding patches should hopefully not be more than a couple of months away at most. One reason why we may hold off on implementing something like this before we have a clear idea of the overall implementation plan is: to avoid clutter (ie, a lot of sources of HP using standalone systems) and thus an overly convoluted experience. We would prefer to streamline it a bit more, and this development takes some time! If your perception is that we make gaining HP/MP difficult (or too difficult), then perhaps that is a result of the precautionary approach I described earlier. If there is a belief that the rewards of the Search for the Elixir of Life quests should be buffed, perhaps that warrants another feedback thread!
Honestly, I really like the idea of the Token of Teamwork system, since it encourages veterans and high level players to continue to participate in party quests. However, I agree with Palmtree that the existing set of rewards is really lacklustre and unappealing, and the current system requires a little bit more tweaking. So to get everyone on the same page, I have already screenshot and mock up on how the current rewards will look on our characters. I don't know about you guys, but I think they aren't very aesthetically pleasing or scream that this is a notable achievement similar to the Winner’s Podium NX. Not really worth days and weeks grinding for them. Instead, I might feel even more discourage to do party quests, in additional my skills are being content locked which I felt it was part of the fun revisiting the lower level party quests with much better skills and now it feels even more like a chore as it often means I have switch out 4th jobs skills with lower tier skills on my keyboard for every time I want to participle in a party quest or readjust my fingers because certain skills don't work in the area. I proposed the token system should be revamped with much better and useful rewards other than NX, one of the ideas I'm putting forward is something in the table below. By continuing to participle in party quest, I can upgrade my party quest equipment while at the same time use my tokens to purchase useful potions or buffs that I can use in my adventures or sell them for profit. Lastly, I think for some party quests like Kerning City Party Quest and Ludibrium Party Quest should have their skill restrictions removed, Lord Pirate Party Quest and Romero and Juliet should be kept.
I would like to suggest adding these potions in the exchange . They are so much fun to use on friends and feels sad that we only see them 1 year round. 1k Maplemas Spirit Stars for them is also somewhat high in my opinion to try and farm for them. Maybe we can consider adding them as a reward for a few Tokens of Teamwork?
Having the chance to trade tokens of teamwork for hp is a really great idea. I'd also keep Reul as the main npc who can exchange tokens for hp. Maybe something like : 3 tokens = Tonic of Creation (10 hp) 5 tokens = Chaos Elixir (20 hp) IMO that would be a nice starting point and see if it fulfills the need of wash alternative? I know 5 tokens for 20hp seems to be low but it's not so far from what op suggested :3
Please do all of this. I would also add, Let the cosmetics have hp on them while still being nx covers. Or scrollable for HP. Either way, HP from wearing the token of teamwork nx items.
i think the token hp potions should be random hp values, or for hp catalysts like ive suggested, which can add a random extra amount to your ruel hp potions. i know this sounds like a poor suggestion but i think its better overall than to have a fixed price on hp from tokens. i like this if the scrollable hp nx expires. it keeps people playing together. also keeps hp from having a static token value. i think scrolls could be 100% but grant random hp as well. this is better than having no gains/lost slots on expiring items. it also makes it so people are more encouraged to use ruel instead of lean just on tokens, which should be supplemental to supplemental hp. i just dont want tokens to be taken over by HP items, it has more potential than that, but i like it being able to help as well Spoiler: here are some ideas from another thread edit: and of course, the obvious, but large request of more pqs: dragon rider, hoblin, balrog, etc. and tokens coming from additional places such as cwkpq, GPQ, lhc exchange, and seasonal events
As someone who also calculates mesos in terms of the amount of lifetime it costs to earn, I would also like to see a solution like this implemented. I like the way it addresses both some concerns with HP washing, while simultaneously making PQs more lucrative.
gotta bump. Please add a new way to spend tokens of teamwork in the near future. I wanna make a sair and actually play it before level 135
If you could get to the needed end game HP on bowman through PQ then I could finally play my desired class. This would be a huge improvement, and a unique improvement.. I think what a lot of people don’t understand is that not everyone has 20 hours to grind on mapleroyals every week and some people can only play 5-6 hours a week. It would be nice to have it be more reasonable and possible for people like that to play the class they like, while still being able to do all the end game and not having to add 400 int and leech till 135 and spend 7 bil on washes that no one has. PQ for Hp (or even MP to then wash later when needed!!) would be an awesome reward. And I would for sure make use of it.
Back in time when I played Maple as a kid. I spent like 10 hours on weekends just to do PQ and never get bored of that. Gain exp, relax, meet new friends, gossip, telling jokes with random people, all in one PQ. I've always been searching for that nostalgic, soul-healing feeling for many years now, but look like no maple server nowadays takes PQ seriously. This change sure can attract more people to do PQ and I'm really excited to join
Since this post the average HP reward for the Search for the Elixir of Life quest has been increased and we added a new Questline „An Adventurers Assignment“ that also rewards HP. Therefore I’m moving this to accepted. Please use this thread for any further ideas regarding rewards to obtain with Tokens of Teamwork! You can submit anything it doesn’t have to be an NX item.