sooo... back in june, i decided to just mess around and craft kanzirs bc why not?? every other day i'd just make a kanzir with whatever materials i had on hand from consistently looting ores and occasionally buying dragon spirits and dragon scales, but i guess my very first craft of the day turned out to be a 110 kanzir??? in total, it probably only took ~20 crafts (idk i never kept count cos i didn't actually think i would actually craft a fkn perf kanzir that easily and that quick..) the video is choppy and i actually didn't get to record the last 2 slots since they were both done very impulsively LOL... thank u guys for pushin me to do those last 2 slots...... u know who u guys are never in my life did i ever think i was going to pass 2 dummies in a row while trying to scroll for my 7th slot.. and then subsequently pass the actual 10% right after on the real thing... dummy is placebo effect ty @KenE for bearing witness to the craft and the first 2 slots scrolled as well as the massive support throughout the exhausting 7 slots also thank u @Hoebo and @AllEyez for running the neo tokyo bosses with me during the early days of scrolling this piece of garbage and the general banter and support over this stupid fuk kanzir!! i'm pretty bad at keeping track, but i think it went something along the lines of 1/4 > 2/6 > 3/21 > 4/46 > 5/48 > 6/59 > 7/64 LOL idk Spoiler: peep the yellow tag in +7
3 months ago i wouldnt even dream of scrolling one slot of auf haven circlet. but somehow i managed to scroll a series of goodies notably a 22atk BFC , a 20atk BFC, 2 16atk BFCs, a 15/2 FS, a 11atk Sock all on first try. and turn them into 1xxWS and 1xx Miracles (tho i only used much lesser than that ^0^ thanks to my daily auf squad @Sharu @onekeystory @mutism @PIXY45) https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/DV18BVt/Maple0435.jpg I proudly claim to be the first NL having higher range than base HP (and also first female character NL to complete auf circlet?), i always like the concept of glass canon and constantly living on the edge so please no judge #PBwaitingroomclub https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/zhv1hSR/Maple0434.jpg
I know it's not a really huge accomplishment, but finally got the master collector medal <3 Farming cards has a lot of fun tho sometimes i felt mad when the specific card never drops and the other mobs' cards keep dropping. Also I got a chance to see some cute mobs that i have never seem before. (sorry i still killed them) special thanks to @Gwaihir who farmed some cards with me :3 Next: Legendary Collector! or maybe not
Well over a year of doing hp quest every day (I think I missed 3 days in total?), finally reached 16.3 on my old BM who never had base int. Those old chars have hope! (Especially since the hp rewards were almost tripled last patch)
I 1-shotted a shao clone with mortal blow when it was at ~25% HP. I consider it a proud accomplishment