1. Torr's Horn quest disabled? LF>7wa red nose, please. 2. The new quest "santa's helper" is impossible to complete on low-level characters. I made a little MM that's LVL 60 and I really want the ring. Can't get it due to gated areas. Please fix this. 3. Dash DC issues? 4. Is there other things we are not aware of? -by @Lowly : No Christmas equips are dropping, Maple Island doesn't have star exchange NPC like every previous year -by @Wonderstruck pigs spawn on all maps? That is all. just posting this for visuals and haven't gotten confirmation of fixes other than Kenny telling me it might get fixed soon?
On top of these I have a couple more: No Christmas equips are dropping Maple Island doesn't have star exchange NPC like every previous year
Also the versal pigs should spawn in all maps? https://royals.ms/forum/threads/gra...ping-from-neo-tokyo-mobs.198230/#post-1172628
Does Winter Dash allow more than 1 char inside at once? I myself haven't confirmed but I think others are bringing multiple in. Perhaps a bug again, or is this intended? Summer Dash did not allow more than 1 in, https://royals.ms/forum/threads/summer-dash-critical-bug-requires-urgent-fix.194815/
Certain mounts don't seem to give the currect speed, the lvl 70 one, and someone in shoutbox said his lvl 200 mount doesn't speed him to 190 speed either. silvermane works like normal though
Archer mortal blow at snowman. 2x didnt participate enuf even though i use snowball + stand far + hit from B1 till end
I hope snowman PQ can be released again or other sources I can get some trash like green/red skis and cold protection scroll.
Moira can only be accessed by lvl 80+ characters due to a limitation placed on the deeper parts of leafre as a result of rampant hackers running amok at skeles a while back
Checking in here everyday to see if any GM responded My low-level character has Dark Sight and door-ready to send gift to Moira. She's waiting for many of us low-level characters EDIT: not sure if Time Temple has level limit to enter or not https://royals.ms/forum/threads/trouble-continuing-santas-present-quest.198593/