I don't have a strong opinion on anything in this server anymore. 87 stat auf helms yo. The Witcher and The Wheel of Time are good shows
being friends with someone doesn't mean you always have to agree with them have some fucking backbone
https://i.filehostingsite/J7R5Sck/loans.png if i blow my brains out will my student loans chase me to hell
I still remember the days where i was supportive and encouraging to you guys, purely hopeful. But am just simply washed with disappointments one after another.
Games are supposed to be fun and create a sense of enjoyment. If you don't get either of those then maybe you should take a break or play something else. Take care of yourself first and foremost my dudes. Have a happy holiday everyone.
maple story will never be nostalgic for me anymore because I’m no longer the me that enjoyed the game in a different way when I was a child. I enjoyed maple story for what it was. I enjoyed immersing myself in the game… it’s BGM, the mobs, the maps… I just liked it for what it was. I didn’t need to be anything other than my shitty lvl24 Pirate. I was happy with doing no damage. but now maple is about who I am as a person outside of the game, as well as who I am in the game. I’m not just a “dark knight” with x and x attack gear. I have a personal image attached to what I do in game. sometimes when I listen to BGM I get re-immersed into the game and appreciate it for what it is for a second but I quickly revert back to my old ass wizened self that wants to have goals to feel personally accomplished as a person. Ok. I’ll shut up now.
There's a tiny bug stuck inside my monitor wtf now it looks like my monitor has a mole or something. Kinda sexy tho.
lmao guess who i found on tinder the other day https://i.filehostingsite/BnLX3PL/Screenshot-20211225-002820-Tinder.jpg no we didn't match sadge