those rooms test the characters skill at their own specialties. monster rider is something everyone gets, it would be redundant to let someone ride a horse in a marathon. cwk was always about the spectrum of classes combining their skills. this is one of those things where i just dont see why it's important to change. i believe the game wanted you to invite thieves along to your party and use/maintain haste and recast it to everyone if they get dispelled to help in battle as one of their roles. i think the time it saves in boss screens is next to trivial (but im sure if i say that someone will test how much it saves over time) mounts are luxury items (those with expendable mesos, or lvl 200), not exactly meant to give you an advantage in whiting a boss
mounts are not a luxury item. it’s not expensive to get a mount nor is it difficult. not having a single movement skill isn’t promoting having thieves in ur party. they are already good classes and are desirable in every cwk run. have you attacked bottom in CWK as a melee attacker and gotten yeeted across the map from the warrior boss and had to slowly walk back only to get yeeted again? or in dunas v2? is getting yeeted across the map good game play? probably not. non thieves deserve this buff. at the end of the day, the logic behind which certain maps can use a mount are non existent and that is the core of this issue. also, I don’t think allowing mounts in cwk rooms takes away “testing the characters skills.” Look at the pirate room. What is the test? To go around hitting boxes and walking around? LOL this is a quality of life improvement, not something that ruins gameplay. it’s such a simple and positive change, idk why it could even be negative. also ur only talking about CWK whereas there are so many other bosses this is good in.
they definitely are and were intended to be luxury items in the game that didnt let everyone rain ws/cs for 500m all day long. you're thinking about it as a player and confusing luxury for qol, and not thinking about it as an rpg asking you to use your class and abilities in the boss fight, not luxury, (now) easily purchased mounts to ignore the intended challenge. its obvious (to me) that it's not random that mounts are disabled in these specific maps for these reasons, which is why i think asking it to be lifted is just a roundabout way to ignore intended restrictions and to increase competitive gameplay. it seems fairly intended and not random, even though im sure nexon definitely did forget in some maps. but that's just my opinion
this is no longer "the game that didnt let everyone rain ws/cs for 500m all day long" so whats the point of thinking about this issue in terms of nexons POV in the 2000s? not constructive also im wondering if @Kenny you need more show of support, i think it's pretty unanimous
unsure how else to explain it to you, sorry, but i have a feeling you actually understand exactly what I mean anyway so as not to entertain any empirical critique in the thread that has 99% support anyway so its fine either way.
I played this game for close to 17 years now and I have never heard anyone say mounts were/are a luxury item. When people finished grinding to third or 4th job, first thing they would do after job advance was to get a hog or upgrade to silver mane. They arent even expensive. A hog costs 20m to get, even in main servers where the mesos and drop rate are shit 20m is as difficult as going outside and touching grass (difficult for some here I guess) but easy af for many. I respect the idea of keeping game content challenging and maintaining the need for different classes to play together. That said, I dont see how allowing mounts in some boss maps but restricting it in others would align with that. Having max move speed in an archer room where the test is to kill guardians doesnt seem to affect the level of skill needed for it. Same concept with Papulatus. Are you going to say the difficult part of that room is jumping up two steps to drop the crack and then ask GM to remove usage of mounts in Pap?
well what i said was, back in the day, their original intention, they most definitely were extremely expensive, even the level 200 mount was more unheard of than the prices of the other two combined. 200 was an absurd feat.. just because the game got simplified and thousands of times easier, in PS as well, the intent hasn't changed. they were definitely an in game luxury item. very expensive, *unnecessary*, unneeded for any challenge in the game, and not allowed in important maps. to me that spells luxury, not qol. like fast travel tickets. and its obvious, to me, why they were specifically not allowed in rooms in the first place. thats not an accidental, that's an intended flag, like snipe breaking through weapon cancel. just because in those 17 years it didn't occur to you, doesn't mean it isn't. so to me, those two main points spell why it's supposed to not be there in the first place. im sure some boss rooms that do allow mounts are the mistakes, not the other way around.
Following your metric, im sure multi-clienting wasnt allowed in main servers as well but it is here. We have to appreciate the fact that times change throughout the years and what was seem as difficult to you in the past would not be difficult for you now. If you had difficulty getting a mount back then, your argument for it being a luxury item could hold some weight. But if you are gonna say you have difficulty obtaining a mount on a private server like Royals in 2021 I doubt anyone would believe you. I believe that change is good if its not at the expense of others. I dont see how having mounts in certain boss maps now would affect anyone negatively. If someone could point out a few suggestions on how this could affect their gameplay adversely, that would be appreciated. I wouldnt want to assume people's pov. I wouldnt make a bold statement like having mounts in certain boss maps is a mistake on the GMs part. If anything, the mistake could very well be not adding the ability to use mounts in these bosses when the content got released.
u should be able to mounts cos matt Chages 20 usd for my polar bear what the fuck i cant even use it half the time
Are PQs off the table? For example, GPQ and PPQ are two that I've done recently where it is frustrating. Does this require a separate discussion?
mounts in apq pleasee stage 5 a bitch ngl (remove disabled haste too) might be too op for bonus but we'll see