Hello all, Now that the Christmas events have been out for a while, we'd like to hear your thoughts and feedback on how we did for this year's Christmas event. This time we tried to change things up a little bit by including some brand new quests and activities: We had the new Santa Encyclopaedia quests based off some original GMS content which involved completing a variety of tasks; from hunting mobs for items, delivering items to NPC's, taking a photograph of Rudolph, knitting a sock and even faming a randomly generated player. We also included a brand new custom-made questline where you are required to deliver Santa's presents to NPC's all over the Maple World. Additionally, a new custom-made Winter Dash event which runs at regular intervals. And finally a brand new custom-made Extra-Frosty Challenge jump quest featuring some unique jumps. We also incorporated some new rewards into some of these new quests, and also had a couple of new exchange items added to Santa as well as the Snowman present exchange, oh and not forgetting Christmas Present boxes dropping from all mobs rewarding NX and Mesos! Because of the new additions this year, we decided to remove usual Advent Calendar event, as well as the Christmas PQ so that the event was not too overwhelming. Sorry if you were looking forward to those particular events! We would like to know what you liked most about this year's Christmas Event, what could have been better, and/or was there anything you didn't like? And is there anything you would like to see added or changed for next year?
I really enjoyed the Christmas events this year and don't really have any complaints on the content! There was always alot to do and many opportunities to get together with the community in Snowman/Winter Dash. My favorite content is obviously the Extra-Frost Challenge . The only thing I wished to see was some of the exclusive rewards from last year's Christmas PQ be made available in other places (thinking of the Green Skis, Cape cold protection scrolls, Shoe spike scrolls, and the cute rudolph antlers). Overall, I think the event was well put together and the new content was well thought out!
Santa's Encyclopedia Questline I didn't really like this questline to obtain the EXP coupon and ring mainly because I was too lazy to farm 30 pigs for the yarns, but I do appreciate the change from last year's Advent Calendar event and overall, not repeating the same yearly questline! Winter Dash Same with Summer Dash: loved the continuous effort to add new content, whether it be JQs, PQs, etc. Extra Credit for making it a JQ and rewarding players with neat prizes for completing it! My only concern with this was seeing people DC in the middle of the event but I know there's already a feedback thread on it to gain a better understanding of it. Extra-Frosty Challenge Jump Quest I think of all the seasonal event JQs, this has to be my favorite one due to new jumping mechanics being required to complete it. I spent the most of my "now casual-time" here on this event and thoroughly enjoyed finding ways to find shortcuts and get the best time I could possibly get. Though it is not really a concern from me, one thing that I think would encourage more participation for this event JQ would be better or unique prizes upon completion of it instead of just the small amount of Maplemas Stars and Nevermelting Snow. Reason for this is because multiple people that I have observed doing this would say that the JQ itself is too hard for a small, mediocre prize like that. I also think it would be pretty cool to have a leaderboard built in to encourage competition. Santa's Maplemas Star Exchange Although there were a few new items added into the Maplemas Star Exchange, I found it a little bit disappointing that the rewards were overall the same as last years. I get that you can only release so many new things every year but it would be nice to possibly see new seasonal goodies in the pool that have not been used last year. Christmas Present Boxes I kinda wish I knew about this being added in before I sorta unplugged myself out from this game and tilt scrolled my stuff away because these presents sounded pretty OP for farmers. It was like a mini LNY event and I thought that this was pretty cool to implement this year. My only concern is that with the release of these presents this year, will this spark more nerfs for other meso-making farming events like Red Envelopes? TLR: I thought that this year's Christmas event was pretty well-put together overall. Consistently putting in new content and prizes yearly instead of repeating the ones from last year will not only encourage newer players joining the game, but also veterans and older players to stick around and participate in the event. 8.147483647/10 from me
This event has felt great - I'd even say the best Christmas event I've played on Royals. There is basically content for all types of players and it's a breath of fresh air from the previous events that seemed a bit underwhelming. I personally would have liked to see cold protection scrolls & spiked shoe scrolls added to some part of this event, it's unique and rather harmless and could even be pretty rare. Outside of the game the only other thing I wish we could have seen was a forum theme update to reflect the season/events - I really do think this adds life back to the forums and now that we lost the Discord I think it's worth putting some resources here. I'm not gifted with photoshop but even I'd be willing to try and help with it - perhaps even make it a forum competition
Winter Dash was nice but it was really crashy even after the experimental fix so that kind of sucks. It also didn’t give any Congrats from GM which I think maybe Summer Dash gave? I’m not sure. But that would have been a nice consolation prize if we got nothing or DC-ed. You know, what if the clown in the DC map or exit map for any GM event gave at least Congrats from GM? :thinking: Also, I missed the free fast-passes from the Advent Calendar. It was kind of like a reward for playing a lot that would also help me play more. And I wish the forum event was different than previous years. But I always love Christmas-themed events, so I enjoyed it nonetheless.
This was my first christmas event on Royals but I was satisfied with it. Things I would like to see change in the next year:- 1) Archer's mortal blow bug being fixed so we dont get cucked in Snowman event. 2) A warning when purchasing rudolph's red nose bandages which alerts us that it cannot be used on Rudolph's Shiny Nose. I personally didnt buy those because I read that it said "Red Nose" instead of shiny but Im a cautious overthinker and I felt sad for many new players who just started during this event who did not know and thus wasted their xmas spirit etc. They werent that high level so farming those must have been especially hard for them. 3) More transparency with regards to Shadow nerfs on drop rates. You guys may deny this but I am pretty sure there was a solid nerf in the drop rate of the Christmas Box Presents after the first day of the event. Eg:I farmed Heneseys Hunting Ground II for like 30mins and I had like 80 or so Christmas Box Presents the day the event got released. Did the samethe next day and only got 22. The difference was staggering. I genuinely dont blame you guys because 80 presents in 30mins using a bowmaster is op af. Imagine how many people farmed with a mage. Still,would appreciate it if there was like an announcement saying that the drop rate has been nerfed for balance reasons etc. The same goes for the Christmas Eqs, drop rate nerfed the day after it was released. Had almost 3/4 my inventory full of them in a 10-15 minutes on the first day and now I only get like 5-6 per full inventory. 4) A timer for the duration before we can next submit our Dinner Set. This was done during the Thanksgiving event which I felt was amazing because I could plan my irl work around it. Sure you may say I can just remember when I submitted my dinner but its really a small QoL that isnt too much to ask for considering it was done in the event preceding it. But yeah great work on the event. Looking forward to experience more events in Royals.
What you liked most about this year's Christmas Event? Christmas Present Boxes, new ring nx with hp att/matt (sad it's not perma), new quest instead do daily christmas box for 1.2x drop/exp in the end. What could have been better, and/or was there anything you didn't like? I didn't like the fact that Ring of Christmas Spirit have a expire date, how I'll deal with pink bean in the future if I can't be strong? Stars exchange, I play since 2016 and as usual the same hats, overall, boots and chairs. There's an enemy that BM or MM must deal every year called "Mortal Blow", once I asked if worth make a feedback thread about this useless skill and Matthew said no (not sure if he was answering my question), anyway I will try Spoiler: stupid idea to fix archer's Miss and make your Christmas better. I guess there's a way to "fix", change mortal blow from a passive skill to an active skill, like final attack or remove this requirement so I can reset all SP Spoiler: This :v Is there anything you would like to see added or changed for next year? I really hope we have a next year... anyway, I would like to see new equips and chair on Stars exchange and Perma Ring of Christmas Spirit.
the ring was nice addition,could have been extended/similar duration to NX pendant was expecting new chair for guild ranks and new items in the event store snowman timeing/donation/rewards could have been adjusted a bit because population/meta changes ice box was nice first week untill ninja nerf ( it was to much nerfed in my opinion but i guess it was needed to avoid disaster¯\_(^_^)_/¯)
In this post I will just focus on the parts I don't like, if I skip a part that means there is no problem or I am satisfied with it. 1. Event Medal Biggest thing to complain and not just this year, I feel some conditions of completing the event medal are painful, the Star of maplemas spirit*7500 one is the most(with the removal of Advent Calendar this year there is really no more efficient way than grinding in HHG for long hours, that's a waste of time for non-mage), then the Nevermelting snow*10000 which I think it never good since it become untradeable(moreover year the snow amount of certain bosses dropping got nerfed e.g. toad), last but not least, Winter dashes*10 is kind of blocking me getting the medal too, first week before the patch came I didn't complete a singe run and after it change to one character per time. My original goal was set to 3 main characters I can complete this year but I'm still at 11/30 dashes completed I guess it's too late, I know the medal is not a thing because there are options to get better and Christmas medal always expires, but I feel it tells me I'm not participating enough into event for not completing it even if Christmas event is always the one I spend most time than other events, this could be just my OCD but it really makes me sad this year 2. Rare event items removal Small thing but I really care, with the removal of Snowman PQ there is no way to get some event exclusive items this year(rip I sold my red ski before event), I expected there would be some alternative way to get those trash but there's not, I personally think those items play an important role of making seasonal event being fun but that could be only me though. 3. Small adjustment of Exp/drop coupon It could be better if I can decide when to receive it, if I want the 1wa bonus ring sooner or if I just want to complete the quests after, I have to receive the coupon and it expires sooner too, I hope it can be adjust to last quest reward(switch with ring or getting them all in a row at last), or not have to be completed before the delivering presents part. Additionally the 1wa bonus ring could last slightly longer for the quest's difficulty and this event will be 10/10. Those are really ALL things I want to complain, that is, I can see staffs work hard on events this year which I appreciated a lot, especially the new event quest everyone can feel seasonal events are not just repeating but always having new exciting contents, with those small cons I still feel events are overall enjoyable, again thank staffs giving me amazing time this year too
I agree with a lot of points everyone has made. I'll just add some specific stuff. For the medal: I've put enough time into this event and I feel the requirements for the medal are a bit too out of reach. It's unfortunate, and it's too grindy in my opinion. I normally don't enjoy the event jump quests like anniversary or Halloween, but this winter event jump quest is absolutely amazing. It was so fun that I found myself for once attempting faster times. I would like to see more worthwhile rewards, though. The ring is pretty cool, but I think it's about time we start looking into permanent cash items with stats. I was talking with some friends and came up with the following: Event items can have temporary attack/main stat boosts, but permanently keep secondary useful stats. For example, when the Ring of Christmas Spirit expires, instead of disappearing, it simply loses the weapon/magic attack stats and retains the HP bonus (that is, it loses its "magic" over time.) This gives yet another source of HP gain (something around 15 washes worth for classes that really need it.) I think this ring and the anniversary pendant are perfect starting points, especially since they aren't visible (and thus not forcing one to have a set appearance) and are already implemented.
We will be moving this thread to Accepted until the event is to be run next, so it can be consulted and revisited again at that point.