@Ouleh, you are simply the latest victim of the toxic environment cultivated by ‘technically’ legitimate multi-map multiclient farming. The list of grievances grows. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] I hope you share your experience in the pinned feedback thread to help the staff appreciate the negativity multi-map multi-client ~mapowner abuse brings to the server. Soon the admins will have to decide if they will uphold the status quo by continuing to allow multiclient monopolization of farming and area boss maps.
@mia_z0630 unfortunately that is the way things work yes. when i was looking for a map those 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 channels were not available (probably taken by a multiclient farmer at that point) so i had to resort to finding a summon farmer not paying attention (yes i did ~mapowner BEFORE attacking anything) in the end i still felt shitty that it has to be like that even if its legit so i gave u the map anyway...
i appreciate the kind words but i dont think i feel comfortable further voicing my opinion on the matter. i feel like as if the minority of players that make use of this game mechanic are very strongly opinionated about it and disregard everyone who doesn't agree with them as 'whiny noobs that just don't get it'. my friend let me loot the cards that i needed yesterday and i'm not much of a stopper farmer so im done with the map for now.. i wish others that run into the same issue a lot of luck with handling the toxicity surrounding the topic