Man, something i look at forums and all these toxic derailing arguements. It just makes me laugh my day away. Oh god u guys are great.
feels lucky got ayato in 50 pulls and won 50/50 and no time to play cuz I got exam tmr and today's my bday. so stressful >.<"
When your guild chat is full of toe fetish, selling toe pics, weeds, cartel, kidnapping, police arrests etc. FBI might be interested with the conversations
When people talk about you & judge you as if they know you, don’t stress about it. Just remember that dogs don’t bark if they know the person.
imagine selling leech while doing egg pq at the same time Spoiler https://i.filehostingsite/R4vJ548/Frame-1.png
Gotten a weird job offer via the Telegram app The person introduced herself as a recruiter with a job offer, along with her EA license Note: EA = Employment Agencies So I replied I couldn't verify her EA license via the Ministry of Manpower website (in Singapore) and requested an official website of the said "job offer" instead She proceeds to delete the entire chat history I didn't even know Telegram allows that to happen The problem when the "privacy protection" is being used for scamming purposes instead
after 3 years relationship, 1 year engaged i learned; stick to video games, not worth the upset in the end. a video game isn't going to walk away on you and make you feel like you're a bad person when you are not.
Due to having a sore throat and fever for the whole day, I took panadol + sore throat medicine After some time, the sore throat didn't get better so I was gonna visit the Doctor tomorrow if the symptoms persists Was just informed by my sister that she's tested positive Did a test and have confirmed I am positive too I am one of the last among my friends to get it, but still sucks to have such a painful sore throat