name: SHolmes timezone: Pst (California) ign/class/lvl: Level 170 Dark Knight other characters: This is my only main character. Other mules are just below 50. why do you want to join rice?: Can't live without rice. Love it. do you know anyone in rice?: No...I found this guild in the forum. Attracted by the guild name. other guilds you are/have been in: I used to be in a guild. By I stay inactive for a year or so, then they removed me. I forget the guild name. XD tell us about yourself: Played Maple when I was in elementary school. At that time I was poor and only had limited time online(1-2hours per week). Being a Dragon/Dark knight has always been my dream. Fortunately I found MaplesRoyals last year. After beating Zak I felt bored and stayed inactive for a year. Recently I was back for the anniversary event and became addicted to this game again. My old friends all stay inactive these days. So I want to find a guild and make new friends
friend, what is your *name* that you want to be called? not your in game name. Anyhoo, thank you applying, one of us will look for you in game for a chat very soon!
My bad. XD. Call me Vernon~ SHolmes is my IGN. Feel free to pm me in the game. Looking forward to see you guys.
Hi friend, I probably missed in game invitation. Didn't see any so far when I am online. Is there a common place u guys hang out? I can go there. Tyty<3
name: Carlos timezone: GMT-7 ign/class/lvl: cuate/Mage (Bishop in the future)/17 other characters: cuatee I/L lvl 37 why do you want to join rice?: I want to have friends in game do you know anyone in rice?: No other guilds you are/have been in: .... tell us about yourself: Im a dentist/ guitar player/ mmorpg addicted/coffee addicted
name : Aco timezone : GMT+8 ign/class/lvl : Acodeny/BISHOP/142 other characters : Acodeney, Acodenny why do you want to join rice? : want to do pq and bossing with guild member do you know anyone in rice? : abu, and theres more but i cant rmb all the names... other guilds you are/have been in : forgot the guild name, held by Lilhappy, the guild no longer exist. tell us about yourself : i like mages the most, so i only have mages chars
name: Tyler timezone: CST ign/class/lvl: Tylapia Bishop 170 other characters: Calmrad (BM) Convey(NL) Nola (Hero) why do you want to join rice?: I heard it’s active and I love rice do you know anyone in rice?: Some rice or bread guy. I think his name is Jan. other guilds you are/have been in: Wisdom, Radiance, Oblivion, Cloudy, Peach tell us about yourself: I’ve played since 2015 (still poor) and like to procrastinate on studies/work by playing royals. I like to workout but I just tore my pec and had to have surgery recently RIP
name: Dustin timezone: EST ign/class/lvl: BM 179 (Desh) other characters: ykchen Bishop 173, Opan NL 163 why do you want to join rice?: I want to have friends in game do you know anyone in rice?: No other guilds you are/have been in: Solari tell us about yourself: Former GMS Scania player (Beta) been playing the game on and off since beta version of GMS/ pokemon addicted/coffee addicted
name: Matt timezone: GMT+2 ign/class/lvl: Relievz / Bishop / 157 other characters: - why do you want to join rice?: I know how to cook a perfect rice without using rice cooker do you know anyone in rice?: If i had an option i would always use a rice cooker though, i don't know anyone from rice other guilds you are/have been in: Vision/Degens tell us about yourself: Rice is really important part of your dinner. Rice is very tasty and it's a good healthy source of carbohydrates. You should never buy rice packed in plastic bags - if you do you should unpack it and cook it without it. Rice should be cooked with heat and steam not in boiling water. Whenever i cook my rice i add cardamom, anise, salt and pepper. Don't add too much salt and add only 2-3 of each anise and cardamom. Rice with curry is always very good and curry is already salty so if you add salt just give it a pinch! Other than that, i'm from Poland and i started playing ms first time in ~2005 (i played on eMS before people hit 200). Now i got my bish washed and ready for HT runs. Just need a little help learning how to do HT. I afk a lot in fm for a smalltalk. Oh, and i'm very good at leeching. PS.: I'm also humble (but i can cook great rice and have good TC/rotation for real).
06/15/2022 Recruitment Update: Thank you to all Royallers who have been interested in joining us. The Rice team would like to thank you for your patience in regards to reaching back out. Due to the busy schedules of our Junior Masters, we will be closing recruitment from here on until further notice. We will be reaching out to all current applicants still, as soon as we can. Your understanding is so very appreciated! To all new members of the guild, we are very happy to welcome you to the Rice Fields.
name: Jae timezone: EST ign/class/lvl: JustJae/MemesMan/141 other characters: BronzeMedal, Overbearing, ItsJustCynn why do you want to join rice?: I met some nice people in the FM in Rice and I chatted with them for a bit and told them I was interested in joining Rice before but it was closed recruitment on forums. They told me to shoot an application anyways, do you know anyone in rice?: PillowBoi (talked to him in the FM), meesurogway (talked to him and he bought my stoppers), Chaedol, Kamuix3, Tylapia other guilds you are/have been in: Oblivion, Tenacity, Cloudy tell us about yourself: I started in 2017, took a 3 year break to get somethings situated irl! I'm back now for the foreseeable future. Love Bowmen! This is my 2nd MM. Outside of Royals I like to drink coffee a lot, eat spicy foods, watch basketball, and roll around on rollarskates/cruiser boards. One day I'll be powerful enough to try the 3x spicy fire noodles.