I get that both parties are at fault, and this could've been avoided to some extent, but 4b even to me would've set me back quite a bit. I'm lvl 200 and I've been here about a year. Not only that, but it's quite shitty to know that the server has people who would do something so malicious, to directly scam another of their earned funds. At least with minor vote abusers, they indirectly hurt the server and may not understand the magnitude of their actions. This on the other hand, directly hurting another person right to their face and then making some bullshit up in an attempt to slander them is much worse imo, much more malice. With how small and tight knit the community is, its disgusting.
I’d just like to shine some light on why we have strict scamming rules and what needs to be covered and isn’t always covered in scamming reports made to us via Report Abuse, otherwise people would be getting banned for it. I understand in the heat of the moment you don’t really think about gathering these things, which is also understandable because that would be the last thing on my mind too lol. I normally record everything, every dodgy cc into a channel I’m at, people attacking area bosses when I have mapowner, people asking to try out a chair, you name it. It’s hard for others to record stuff but if you have windows 10 I just hit windows key + g and there’s a built in recording system that saves to your videos. What we need for a higher chance of success at getting a scammer banned/punished: -We need screenshots of the trade taking place, the agreement being made between two parties. IE: whispers “I’ll buy your leech/APRs” “ok I’m selling for X amount” “ok I’ll go to ch <whatever>” or the trade window where you two discuss the arrangement. We need evidence of that and since nobody really gathers evidence before the scam takes place, we are unable to request an Admin to go into the logs to verify because there is a lot of things they already have to do and they would have to do it for every single report. -We need the trade taking place to prove the items were given first/mesos given first to the seller to confirm it did happen. (because unfortunately people will lie to try to get other people banned/punished. I’ve seen a lot of petty shit in my 2 and a half years of being Staff you would be surprised just how far some people are willing to go tbh.) -We need evidence of the person who is buying items/selling leech to disappear and/or refuse to acknowledge the deal that had just happened. -We need ~servertime (because of people hoarding screenshots from months ago and trying to get the person’s ban to stack. Was infamously famous back when we had a 3 strikes you’re out (3rd strike perma) harassment rule and also why we had to change it to require servertime stamp. ) -We need computer screenshots not ones taken from a phone. (This one I still don’t really understand why, I don’t really see the need to make sure it’s 100% a screenshot taken from your computer, but that’s just my opinion.) I know everybody’s sick of that copy-paste Admin answer and so am I, but we can’t do anything until either more GM’s get promoted to admin, or something changes and we give a select few access to read-only logs to help out with misc. issues that currently are eating up the Admin’s time so they can try to help out more. A lot of the weight unfortunately rests of their shoulders and it’s a shame too because there’s lots of people that require an Admins help or tasks that you would think wouldn’t require an Admin’s help but actually do. I really do feel for the situation that happened, and I wish there was more than we could do in this current time. Edit: I will be looking for a couple of links detailing what is required for reporting a scammer in just a few moments. Here are two threads that highlight what evidence is needed for gathering evidence: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/capturing-evidence-for-reports.177814/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/how-to-report-a-scammer-101.146432/
Record your drop trades, but even so: If you don’t trust the person (low level, no guild, susp) or the deal seems to good to be true (APR to cs/ws 60:1 QUICK FAST!!1!1) It probably isn’t worth the risk. If you can pay in meso, just do the 9x aprs per trade please, it really is worth the time sink to make sure you don’t get scammed. If you must drop trade (cs to apr), always do 50/50. Make them drop half the amount then trade the cs/ws. If they refuse, just don’t deal with them. I don’t care how good the deal is, if they’re not willing to go half upfront first I never drop trade. If you REALLY must trade cs/ws first. Do one at a time. Do not trust them with like 4cs/ws in a single trade waiting for them to next drop 200+ APRs.
IGN: penoy REASON: Slander us DETAILS: cpq2,As he want,we summoned[death teddy],but he was angry and quit,then Slander us "idiot &noobs"
1. IGN: SeoulNL 2. REASON: Scam. although im not very sure you can define it as scam 3. DETAILS: We were selling krex leech & krex ring to a very kind mapler named "Dobbyyy". The leech price was 30m, and ring 30m. When Krex died, dropping 350 NX and 1 Krex Ring, SeoulNL took it all. Although we did not agree on who is taking the NX, and the ring was Dobbyyy's. Putting the NX aside, We kindly asked SeoulNL to pay for the Krex Ring he rudely stole, and he agreed, but with the term of "Not Paying Pekomz." So he paid all the other party members but me. Here are some evidence: https://i./KNPTDPP/4.png As you can see, SeoulNL took the Almighty Ring. https://i./zs08ytk/2.png Nofit: "so seoul you need to pay us?" SeoulNL: "except pekomz" SeoulNL: "you get off here." Pekomz: "are you really not paying?" SeoulNL: "not you" Here is another cropped screenshot i took at the incident but accidently cropped it in Paint: https://i./nkxBnYq/1.png After all that chit-chat, SeoulNL kindly went AFK and did not respond.
Added. Thanks for your report. Just to clarify, did a confrontation or something happen before this? Just curious as to why he would pay everyone except you.
Not something worth mentioning, imo he still doesn't have the right to pay everyone but me. Regardless, I got angry with him when he stole the NX cards (although we didn't decide upon this matter) and the Krex Ring.
I agree with you and have added them to the list and will keep them there unless they can provide a good explanation. Just wanting to make sure. Thanks for your report.
IGN: Portalos / Powpie Reason: He stole zak chair and then mysteriously logged off and hasn't come back after confrontation c: We had previously agreed that he could use the 2nd zak chair that dropped on that day UNTIL the first one sold, and then he would have to trade me the second one in order for me to sell it. He has apparently done this to other people before, so beware. Details:
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'd also like to vouch for xPresident, he sold me a bunch of APRs and never made me pay first. And I have a bad experience with Portalos too, though he didn't technically "scam" me. He sold me items 2b above cost knowing full well what they were worth, and then refused to reply afterwards. I should have checked out the prices for myself but I didn't think anyone would be scummy enough to do that on here. It's sad, but you should never trust anyone and always do your own research on prices.
Hi all, I have talked with portalos, there was a miss understanding with him. I have sent him a message once he logged in, i advised him regarding the zak chair issue and he replied that he jus was less active in the game and he didn’t want to cause any conflict. He gave me the chair immediately . This conflict of the chair was solved with a friendly conversation without any problems. I think we should not hurry to BL him unless someone did face another issue with him.
Hmmm I have mixed feelings here I am glad that we got the chair back, thank you both for that!! :3 But also he did tell me he was going to log back onto powpie to return it and he simply vanished... After smegaing the whispers I received confirms that he has done so before. I feel he may simply have returned it after being cornered... At least the situation is resolved now <3 But personally, i would still be wary of this person
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt this time, but at some point, covering up for someone won't work anymore. If multiple people are coming forward to claim he's being fishy, then I'll have no choice but to look further into it and add them if enough evidence exists. Still, I'm glad the situation got resolved.
Of course not, here is a pic of my last engagement with him. Please add on to the list of reasons to avoid him.
IGN: Satanico from Tesla guild Reason: During final 1.5X weekend event, joined an LHC apple run and didn't apple. This is unfair as 5/6 of us were using apples and he gets a free ride. We politely asked him to apple a few times and were ignored. When the party leader called on him to apple, he immediately left party; this was halfway through the LHC, leaving the team down a member so we lost major XP from his actions. Details: See attached screenshot. You can see the last interaction and him leaving party with 30m left in LHC.
REPORT FORMAT 1. IGN: (MyMadMage) 2. REASON: (trade win CPQ1 scam) 3. DETAILS: sorry in advance for my language, but considering the situation where i could have known up front i would get scammed, i was just furious.
It looks like you were aggressive towards MyMadMage even before loosing. He told you his partner is new (so perhaps his party member(s) didn't quite understand the leeching rules) and he said he would give you 2 wins in a row after that. If he said he would correct the mistake and still won over and over again, then sure. But here it seems like a mistake rather than a scam.