[Insert] Goby Selling Guide 2024

Discussion in 'Guides' started by insertfood, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. insertfood

    insertfood Donator

    May 19, 2015
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    The primary goal of this guide is to provide a deeper understanding of how to start and smoothly run Goby Leech. It might be intimidating to start but it’s not as complicated as people think it is! Hopefully this will encourage more players to attempt the leech! I have personally made many mistakes and done things inefficiently until I came to this point and wanted to share my learnings with the community!

    1) Provide level 30-67 goby leech in 3 hours without events.
    2) CGS tested at 37 attack.
    3) Leacher can AFK.
    4) Can be done with just one computer.


    1) Introduction
    2) Characters & Buffs
    3) Equipment
    4) Setting up a session
    5) Executing a Goby Session
    6) Split Goby leech
    7) Tips and Tricks & Faq

    1. Introduction

    What is Goby Leech
    Goby Leeching is the fastest leeching available to power level a character between level 30-67. It is a power leveling service where a seller uses a Bishop to kill Goby houses and lure a buffed up low level Brawler to kill Goby fish. This results in a character leveling from 30 to 67 in 3 hours.

    Why Goby Leech

    As the seller it’s also a very profitable leech that generally provides between 280-350m an hour after expenses (not including event items / NPC /godly items). Another benefit is that the characters you make for Goby leech can be used to power level your own characters in the future and a BS, SE, SI mules are useful outside of Goby Leech. When you invest and upgrade in goby gear it can be shared with your main attacker. (PAC/RS/BWG).

    There is some information out there already on what Goby Leech, but this guide will provide a more in-depth information on what you need to prepare for Goby Leech, how to execute it and some tips and tricks to do a full service of level 30~67 in under three hours with attainable equipment.

    About Me

    I do not take credit for Goby Leech as there have been many pro players that have pioneered this service and optimized it, I have merely focused on learning and optimizing Goby leech for the last year and have about 4000 levels worth of experience. Information has been pulled and gathered by other Goby leechers and I wanted to provide credit to JoyHero for providing a great baseline on how to start Goby leech and showing me how to do it as well. Personally, I have also purchased goby leech from 5+ sellers and have a good feel about what are the best practices in this service.

    Goby Leech is currently sold by the level not by the hour as the focus is on the result and encourages the seller to be efficient and for the buyer to precisely communicate what their desired levels are.

    From current market prices I see around this

    Range min usual max
    lvl 30-40 15 20 20
    lvl 40-50 20 20 30
    lvl 30-50 15 20 30
    lvl 50-60 30 40 50
    lvl 50-67 35 40 50
    lvl 60-67 40 50 60
    lvl 67-70 40 50 60
    Personally I sell at
    s> goby leech 30-50-60-67 20-38-45 m/lvl hb/mw20/afk

    which results in 400m between level 30-50
    which results in 380m between level 50-60
    which results in 315m between level 60-67

    Edit: Update I do see the prices going up in general for Goby leech as there are not many sellers at the moment.

    In total 30-67 would be 1.095B but usually I see sellers providing the service between 1B ~ 1.1B for a full service. Some more some less depending on friend discounts or Event EXP bonus. This is for the Service provider to decide. Personally I believe if you can service around 3 hours you can charge around 1B for current market rate.

    Each NPC round is about 10m Mesos.

    Steel Ores
    Black Crystal Ore
    Claw Att 60%

    These can be worth a lot if you find godly versions too

    Operating Costs
    Net Profit = Sales - Operational Costs
    Sold subtract your variable costs for that session = profit.

    Variable Costs
    Apples / Other attack potions (7m each 6 per hour)
    Maple Pops / Other acc potions (400k each 60 per hour)
    EverStone (5k nx per month per attacker)
    Pots for attackers / BS (3~4m an hour)
    Marketing Costs = Super Mega Phone (2m)

    Fixed Costs
    CGS is your largest fixed cost but the cost of creating your characters and having them geared are your fixed costs. Id budget 6b to create all your characters + additional costs for CGS I believe 37 is a good starting point as I tested under 3 hours with that but I am sure you could get away with 35~

    11 att pac 3b
    9 att shoes 4b
    17 att glove 4b

    = 11 B total for 37 CGS

    Great Starting Point


    For this method you do not need to use two computers, but it would help. I personally use a 34-inch monitor, but I have tested this on a 27-inch monitor, and I believe this would work fine with anything above 21 inches with some modifications. You need to have enough space for two full-sized clients and quick access to your buff mules which do not need to be displayed on full screen.

    The benefit of an additional computer or laptop next to your set up is that you can have your brawler on one PC and BS on another. What you can do is constantly attack on your brawler while killing goby houses with your BS with out switching back and forth. I have tested this and although it helps, I find clicking back and forth provides sufficient result.

    Video Guide

    The Video will just cover character control and the operations of the leech service.



    The quick answer here is you need to make 4 brawlers’ level 35, 43, 50 and 64. You can do this with warriors as well, but I do not recommend it as you gain more base accuracy from brawlers with their base Dex and bullet time skill. I also found that somersault kick will hit more mobs at one time compared to slash blast as it has a higher vertical hitbox. Another benefit is that you will only need to get Knuckles vs the level 35 + 43 maple swords with attack shields. I would also recommend you HP was your level 35 and 43 goby attackers with 15~20 AP resets each so they can survive without HB.

    Update: I have created a 55 brawler and believe it's worth it if you are a serious seller. It's not just the +25 STR you also need 231 acc vs 252 acc of the level 50 brawler which means it's easier to skip the acc potions. I still think it's a lower priority brawler but there definitely is value here. Also when clients start the service at 50+ you can use your 55 brawler right away for a faster session and less operational costs.

    [​IMG] You gain 20 accuracy from this first job pirate skill bullet time.

    All brawlers need max Bullet Time, Somersault Kick from the first job. Your level 35 and 43 brawlers will skip Improve MaxHP but your level 50+ brawlers should get it as you have the spare HP points and will make getting your Zakum helm / washing more efficient.

    For the second job onwards, we should max Knuckle Mastery and as much Knuckle Booster as you can. For note my level 35 brawler only has level 13 mastery as I also have 3 points in booster which I found to be marginally faster overall.


    You will require a bishop that can 1-hit goby houses. You will need 1120 TMA with Gen 20. I would also recommend that you invest in Resurrection and Angel Ray (10). Resurrection can be used on your Goby attackers if they die, and you want to preserve your current Apple. You can use Angel Ray to snipe Bonefish in 2 hits before they disturb your leech or kill your client.

    I have tested this with using two bishops one exclusively for HS and one to clear houses to save from joining and leaving party and I found it was an insignificant boost.


    Buff Requirement Explanation
    SI ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Testing without SI was unbearably slow. I would not conduct Goby leech without an SI mule. I found leech was almost 20% slower without SI. The SI mule also doubles as a TL mule for your Echo.
    HB ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ HB is required so that you can sell leech to level 30 Thief + Pirate + Bowman classes as they will require HB. You can make a level 40 spearman to HB your clients there is no excuse not to provide this.
    MW20 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10% in stats is significant for damage, helps with meeting accuracy milestones and allows your clients to HP wash more effectively. Clients who can afford Goby leech are likely HP washing. This is a premium leech, and you should strive to provide the best you can for your clients.
    SE ⭐⭐⭐ Testing without SE was not as impactful as SI but still very significant. With out SE you can expect to leech 10% slower.
    Echo ⭐⭐ I have done half my leeches without Echo and half with Echo. 4% is a very noticeable but it's 4%. If you don’t have this, it's not the end of the world but still very recommended. I would recommend your SI mule to be level 130 to also have access to TL10 which means you will have echo 100% of the time.
    If I had to start from scratch, I would do it like this.
    1) First make a Bishop to around level 13x which can also be used for General leech, HS, CWK and bossing etc. This is useful to have in general and if you are reading this guide you probably already have a Bishop.
    2) I would then make 4 goby attackers at the same time. Goby attackers do not need to leech as they can attack the gobies and level themselves. (this took me 2.5 hours to make a level 64 goby attacker with Orbis ETC and killing gobies). You can leech 3 goby attackers with one goby attacker. It’s very efficient.
    3) You can make a blood washed HB mule to level 40 you can now self-leech with your goby attackers. This will take less than 1 hour with Orbis etc. and self-goby leech.
    4) I would then make the SE and SI mule at the same time. You can use Orbis ETC to get to level 30 and self-leech with your goby attackers to level 67. You can then buy leech to lvl 130 on both at the same time. Note I skip storm breakers and Petri fighter because of low sellers.
    a. 67-78 FTP 1
    b. 78-85 harps
    c. 85-90 ulu1
    d. 90-108 ulu2
    e. 108-130 skeles



    You will need 1120 TMA to one hit the goby houses. I would also prioritize 140 speed and 123 jump on your bishop as this will significantly speed up the house killing.


    These are the current equipment I use for my Brawlers and can say most of the Money will be spent on CGS. I was able to hit sub 3 hours 30-67 on 37 CGS but I believe it can be done with slightly less than that. For level 35 and 43 you do not need the highest of tier items.

    For my level 35 brawler I prioritize STR equips where ever I can. The only CGS equipment I wear is a BWG and feel that wearing a BWG and RS is far away for me. I would like to upgrade my ACC equips to wear a Rudolph nose and get a Valentines ring as my next upgrades. With this Brawler fully buffed up I can get level 30-38 in about 18 mins with out mistakes and a stable server.

    My 43 Brawler does not need to use a sad mask and can wear a Rudolph nose. The 43 attacker can wear a both RS + BWG easily so I would recommend to strive for that if it's with in your means. level 43 is a significant upgrade in killing speed from the level 35 brawler.

    This brawler is at full power with full CGS and use minimal Acc gear. 252 Acc is easy to obtain currently I can use a bathrobe and not need to use maple pops. Or I can use a STR overall and maple pops for max speed leech. You can get away with heartstoppers at this range as your damage is already really high.

    Same as lvl 50 Brawler mostly but won't need any Acc pots. You can also get away with not using apples here and use cheaper attack potions.

    Level 30-38, level 38-43, level 45-50 can be done in under 2 apples with these current equips. So the total time for level 30-50 is just under 1 hour without the event. I believe the equipment is less important level 50~67 as accuracy is not much of an issue and you can focus on high damage everything.

    Each Dex = 0.8 ACC

    Each Luk = 0.5 ACC

    Eye Accessory
    The Eye Accessory is important as you likely will use it across all 4 of your brawlers. Get this one scrolled with Accuracy as high as you can. The investment in this one is cheap.

    Edit: MapleRoyals have re-done the scrolls and is harder to scroll an eye accessory now. Currently you can only scroll for dex which is +1 dex + 1acc 60% so this item is harder to scroll but doable. I would now try to land 1~2 30% then finish with 60s.


    The earring is more important than the level 25 STR cape. I would get this one as high as you can, 11 str is cheap enough so I would start there. Avoid using Dex earrings as there are few methods to gain STR on low level characters so get STR on as many equips as you can.

    Face Accessory
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I personally only use this face accessory on my level 35 brawler and use the Rudolph nose on the rest of my characters for the +str you can use this on all characters if you need the accuracy or if the Christmas event is not around yet.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Level 20 overall is important as you will use it for 30-43 minimum, and you have a choice to use it on level 50 if you want to avoid Maple Pops. Try to get as high of a Dex bathrobe as you can.

    The level 35 knuckle if you have the accuracy from the other equips you can get a high attack one, I prioritized accuracy. The level 43, 50, 64 knuckles prioritize as high of an attack as you can get. Mine are modest attack knuckles but they get the job done.

    Dex Shoes & Glove
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If you are a first time Goby Seller, you might need both Dex shoes and gloves for your attacker which is okay, but you will soon find that you can replace either one of these with attack gear. I have chosen to use Dex Shoes, an attack glove on my 35 brawler as it was more cost effective to get a high attack BWG over a high attack red sock.


    I believe the BWG is the most important CGS as it can be used by all 4 attackers and the RS would be the next most important. Generally, a high attack BWG is cheaper than an RS so I would get the BWG first.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A PAC is required for your level 50-64 attacker. Get as high of an attack PAC as you can. A STR cape is way more valuable than a Dex cape for your 30-43 attackers as STR is hard to get and has a high impact on damage on low levels.

    Snow Fur lump scrolled with STR is GREAT lvl 35 and 43 cape. I killed both of mine but are good capes to target!

    Here is a tricky part. Before you get your Zakum Helm you want to get as much STR as you can but witch hats are low in supply. You can start off with a Brown Bandana first and transition into a high STR / DEX witch hat when you can. At level 50 you can get a zhelm where you can prioritize as high Dex as possible.

    Another possible hat is the Pilgrim hat. It starts with 1 w.att and can be chaosed with 1 slot. There is some base acc as well. If you can get a high attack on this one can be viable too but I think the STR witch hat is more cost effective. @yamask if you have info on this one :D

    This is the best Medal you can get your Goby attackers. You can get this from the Medal page and change your hair 50 times. The total cost for this Dynamic Hair medal is 100m. Get this on all 4 Goby attackers.

    Rings are a great way to sneak in a bit more STR. You can get wedding rings and scroll them with STR scrolls and upgrade these rings when you can. Note you want to get a Valentines ring when that comes out and fill the rest with Ring of Strength / High STR/DEX Ring of Alchemist.


    Another way to get STR is to do the Dojo with your characters and scroll for STR/DEX. I did all 4 of mine at the same time to White / Yellow belts.


    This is where you can set yourself up for success!


    Bring all your mules and attackers to Aqua and make sure to check that each one of your brawlers has an Everstone 1 in your inventory before the session.

    Save the following commands on a notepad.

    1) Party invite /pi SE, SI, HB, BS
    2) /lp and /pa for the BS
    3) /pi BS (for the attackers)

    This applies to solo leech as your brawler will add and remove the BS for HS and door. For split leech will need to add more people to the party and have them in the Goby map. I will explain this more in the split leech section later.

    Customer Requirements

    This is where you explain the leech to your customer and their requirements. Your customer should prepare 1500 red ice cream pops per hour of leech. They will need to prepare both a pet and auto HP for the session and if they are a mage, they will also need auto MP. You should instruct your client to set their HP and MP to 100%. Note the client can purchase all of these in the Aqua store.

    If their session will be larger than one hour you can recommend them to pick up 5 goby cards for a bonus 15% exp. If their session is less than an hour it’s best to advise them to save the goby cards unless they are close to level 67. You can make a judgement call here as the service provider.

    Warriors – No special requirements set auto HP to 100% and purchase red ice cream pops 1500/ hour.

    Pirates/Thief/Archer – They will need to get their second job advancement. What can happen is when the character levels there is an opportunity that when they level their HP will reset back to their original HP without HB. They can either manual pot once they level to protect themselves or wear some HP equipment to get above 1200~ HP. This does not always result in a death because their auto HP will kick in and heal them back to 100%. The death will happen if they are lagging and the pet does not have time to heal back to 100% in the case where you feel the server is laggy it’s best to tell your client to not 100% AFK the early levels so they can quickly return upon a death, another reason to stay on is to collect goby cards if needed.

    Mages – Will need both auto hp & MP and both Unagi’s and Red Bean Sundays. 1500 / hour for each potion.

    Beginner - 1100 HP~ pre-HB will need HP equips to do this no way around it.

    Solo Leech

    I like to have all my macro buffs set up on the same button for all mules to quickly cycle though all the buffs. Your brawler should be the party leader and have your SI, HB, SE and BS all in the party ready to start the session.

    35 Brawler services 30~38
    43 Brawler services 38~45
    50 Brawler services 45-59
    64 Brawler services 59~67

    Once you have added your customer to the party you will go to Deep Sea Gorge 2 with your Bishop. You should then buff your attacker with your characters and make sure your buyer has HB + MW20. This is also where you will echo your goby attackers and use TL. It is best to have all your Goby attackers close by to receive echo. Now you can door and instruct your buyer to come in. The reason I door after the buffs is so they don’t go in right away and not get MW20 and HB. Once inside the map you can HS and leave party with the BS.



    I would break up the Goby Session into three activities.
    1) Controlling the Bishop and the Brawler (90% your time
    2) Buffing your Goby attacker (7% your time)
    3) Changing Goby Brawlers (3% of your time)

    Controlling your characters

    The bishop will have the hardest job, the purposed of the Bishop in this stage is to kill the Goby houses and lure the Goby’s to the Brawler to attack. There are three locations to cast Genesis. The first Genesis cast is only meant to kill the top row and Bone fish. Try not to hit the homes on the next row with the first Genesis as this will make it harder to isolate the other homes and you can end up killing Goby’s with your Genesis.

    Video Guide on character control

    The second cast of Gen is the most difficult as you need to cast within a certain range. If you cast too far to the right, you will miss one Goby house. If you cast too far to the left, you will not be able to fall to your last spot and will require you to down jump which is an additional step. If you time it correctly you will hit all the homes in these two rows and fall to your last spot. I actually missed it in the video Demo as well (ops).


    Once you fall you need to teleport once to the right and cast Gen. Once you are done you can swim back up.



    If there is Bone fish next to the buyer on the top platform it can cause problems. Either it can cause your brawler to hit the fish instead of the Gobies or worse it can kill your buyer. Always be vigilant to not attack Goby fish or houses with your Brawler and snipe it with your BS instead.



    The brawler will only need to stay in the top right corner and keep pressing the attack macro. You only need to manage attack macro /PI for buffs and Knuckle booster.

    After each time the BS casts Genesis you can click back into your Brawler and cast the attack macro.
    Each time your BS is falling you can click back to your Brawler and cast the attack macro.
    After the last Gen before you swim up you can cast your attack macro before swimming.

    Buffing your Goby Attacker

    HS [ Frequency every 2 mins]
    1) On your brawler /PI HS
    2) Switch to BS /PA Cast HS then /LP

    HB/MW20/SI/SE [ Frequency every 5 mins]
    1) On your brawler /PI HS
    2) Switch to BS /PA cast door
    3) on your HB / MW20 go in the door to the Goby map and cast MW20 + HB macro
    4)Leave the map
    5) On your brawler go into door back to town
    6) Cast all your buffs SI / SE
    7) Go back to goby map
    8) Switch to BS cast HS /LP

    Echo [ Frequency every 40 mins]
    1) Ensure that Warrior and SI are in same party
    2) Cast Echo with all characters in range
    3) Cast TL on Echo

    Switching Attackers [Milestone levels -> 1 min to complete]
    1) Notify attacker that you will upgrade the Brawler.
    2) Invite BS to party
    3) Pass party leader to BS
    4) Cast door on BS
    5) Go back to town on Brawler and /LP
    6) Back on BS /pi new brawler
    7) Unequip shared gear on current brawler
    8) /trade newbrawler
    9) Give gear to new Brawler
    10) Check for Everstone + pet + auto HP
    11) Buff on Map
    12) Go to goby map and HB + MW20 again
    13) Go back to town with HB
    14) New character use ACC + Attack pots
    15) Pass leader back to BS (VERY IMPORTANT ALWAYS REMEMBER this can mess up leech)
    16) on BS HS and /LP
    17) Do this when your leechers reaches level 38, 45, 59

    6. Split Goby Leech

    Split Goby leech similar to Solo Goby leech. For each additional leechers you add to party you need to bring one of your Buff mules with Auto HP to the goby map. When split leeching each character needs to hit the milestone level before you can switch attackers. For example if one client reaches level 38 and the other one is 37 you need to wait until both reach level 38 before you can switch to your 43 brawler.

    You will add to party with /PI xxx xxx xxx for your characters in the map.

    One at a time each character will join the party buff and leave party.

    Your buff characters will be in the Goby map. Ensure Pots are full and pets are fed.


    Tips & Tricks

    1) Dojo belts & wedding rings can be scrolled for STR
    2) Place your buffs on the same button so you can cycle though your buffs <1s
    3) macro 3x summersault kicks
    4) get max jump + speed on BS it makes a difference
    5) get your SI mule to level 130 for TL 10
    6) SUPER Important when changing attackers to ensure the party leader is the brawler before you leave party on BS this can ruin the leech if your customer is AFK
    7) When you jump up from the bottom with your BS stay in the middle to collect stray fish
    8) Set Goby Card on your pet loot for Goby cards so you don't pick them up
    9) Gather event items on your attackers, pilgrim bats, valentines ring, ring of strength and snow fur lumps are some examples.

    Q: Most common question: Why is this so much more expensive than regular leech??

    A: Honestly that's a good question and I had to think about it for a bit before I answered. Let's compare the labor and set up of a level 135 bishop selling leech for 150m an hour which is generally accepted.

    They would have needed mw20 + gen30 + 7b in equips. That's all they need

    They would need mw20 + 7b investment in characters + 5B + CGS + 15B so that's 27b in fixed costs.

    They would have 4 attackers + BS + 3 mules to control at the same time so the effort is higher.

    They also have variable costs in Apples + Maple Pops to consider which is about 42m in apples and 24m in maple pops. 66m~

    So if you pay around 350m an hour on average an hour for Goby leech that works out to be 290m going to the Goby seller on average. They control 2 attackers at the same time ( already works out to be 145/m per attacker) they control 3 addition characters for buffs and have WAY more of an initial investment. The final fact is that there are only a few consistent Goby sellers and many BS's that can sell other leech services (demand is very disproportionate to supply). So in summary

    1) demand high & supply low
    2) Fixed costs are about 4x as high as regular skele leech
    3) The operation costs are 60m an hour~
    4) The skill required and effort is much higher.

    Hence the price of Goby leech being high, the price is high but you get ALOT of levels per hour vs traditional leech. Pick your poison :)

    FAQ: Is CPQ leech obsolete?
    A: Yes but No. It seems CPQ leech is cheaper than Goby leech until around level 35. If sellers sell for 100k / 100 cp it works out to be 20m per 2k round. If you do not get 1 level per round then Goby leech is cheaper.

    Pros of CPQ leech:
    1) You do not need a pet + auto hp
    2) You can't fully AFK either as you need to finish each round
    3) Beginners can wear INT equipment to HP wash instead of HP equipment to stay alive at gobies (I think this is the best argument for CPQ leech)
    4) It's cheaper until lvl 35 1~2 lvls per 10 mins (assuming 20m per round cpq)

    Pros of Goby leech
    1) In the time you did 2 rounds of CPQ leech your character gained 8 levels at gobies. So it's much faster.
    2) It's actually cheaper after around level 35
    3) You get MW20 the whole time (washing)

    JoyHero - I was amazed watching him Goby leech the first time and decided then and there I would start too! Buy his goby leech xixi!

    Boostie/Yamask/50Goby/SifutGwei/SunMoon - Or other goby leechers that have worked on improving the process and are way better geared! Check them out!

    @bibz / @ifighthoes - taught me how to format the guide and helped proof read

    Purge / Bougie - gives me a reason to stay in this 2d mushroom game <3​

    1/14/2024 Added event items to the gear section
    Added additional information in the equips section
    Added information on split leech
    Adjusted profit

    16/1/2024 - @bibz PRO BANNERS donated thank you!!!

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
    Clexed, loaf, BetterNL and 27 others like this.
  2. bibz

    bibz Donator

    Oct 6, 2020
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    #1 guide i love pepsi!
    Lavant, Damien. and insertfood like this.
  3. andywtf

    andywtf Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2022
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    pro goby guide
    gg this is the end for CPQ leech @@
    insertfood likes this.
  4. cn_joy

    cn_joy Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2020
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    bibz, ShakedBaws and insertfood like this.
  5. Lann

    Lann Donator

    Feb 11, 2020
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    *me after carefully reading this super informative and helpful guide


    In all seriousness, 10/10 guide :admindab:
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2024
    bibz, Shnang, teawenghun and 2 others like this.
  6. Cozyboy

    Cozyboy Donator

    Dec 30, 2023
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    A+ solid guide!
    insertfood likes this.
  7. insertfood

    insertfood Donator

    May 19, 2015
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    Q: Most common question: Why is this so much more expensive than regular leech??

    A: Honestly that's a good question and I had to think about it for a bit before I answered. Let's compare the labor and set up of a level 135 bishop selling leech for 150m an hour which is generally accepted.

    They would have needed mw20 + gen30 + 7b in equips. That's all they need

    They would need mw20 + 7b investment in characters + 5B + CGS + 15B so that's 27b in fixed costs.

    They would have 4 attackers + BS + 3 mules to control at the same time so the effort is higher.

    They also have variable costs in Apples + Maple Pops to consider which is about 42m in apples and 24m in maple pops. 66m~

    So if you pay around 350m an hour on average an hour for Goby leech that works out to be 290m going to the Goby seller on average. They control 2 attackers at the same time ( already works out to be 145/m per attacker) they control 3 addition characters for buffs and have WAY more of an initial investment. The final fact is that there are only a few consistent Goby sellers and many BS's that can sell other leech services (demand is very disproportionate to supply). So in summary

    1) demand high & supply low
    2) Fixed costs are about 4x as high as regular skele leech
    3) The operation costs are 60m an hour~
    4) The skill required and effort is much higher.

    Hence the price of Goby leech being high, the price is high but you get ALOT of levels per hour vs traditional leech. Pick your poison :)
    Tobi, bibz, NoOneSafe and 1 other person like this.
  8. Lavant

    Lavant Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    This is an amazing guide! Thanks for sharing man!
  9. xKyan

    xKyan Active Member

    Jan 3, 2024
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    very nice guide!
    i am thinking about the ap build for the 35lvl brawler, do you add all the ap into str? assume i can get the similar eq that you have.
  10. insertfood

    insertfood Donator

    May 19, 2015
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    Canada / Hong Kong
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    Hi xKyan,

    For your 35 & 43 brawler you want to prioritize str where you can.

    AP build is all STR.

    Hat Cape Earrings Belt Rings - > STR
    Gloves - > watt
    Shoes - >watt or acc
    Overall & eye & face - > acc

  11. xKyan

    xKyan Active Member

    Jan 3, 2024
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    okay thanks ! i just finished a 130lvl bs than got tma 1120 and ge 20 , now working on the 1st 35 brawler and getting the valentine ring ! hope can be a reliable seller like you soon !
    insertfood likes this.
  12. insertfood

    insertfood Donator

    May 19, 2015
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    Canada / Hong Kong
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    Prioritize 35 and 43 for the ring! (ideally all) and look out for the cape that has 10 slots from the vday boss! Can make a juicy str cape for your low level attackers, good luck!

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