These things: only have 1 use in the game: crafting dragon weapons (check for full recipes). However, all recipes except DSC/revolver require 25 scales and only 20 spirits, with DSC/revolver requiring 20 of each. As far as I can tell, they drop at the same rate from mobs. This results in a surplus of spirits, slowly flooding the market, making them worthless, and concentrating the full value of the drops into scales. To prevent this and keep spirits useful/balance the value of the two items, I recommend adding a use for surplus spirits. Potentially make DSC/revolver take 25 spirits and 20 scales, or add a brand new trade of spirits -> something, maybe like a 75 accuracy 50 avoid 10 min consumable? Or even a random gach-like exchange could work, with low chances of dragon weapons.
Orrrrr decrease scales to 20 and make it 1:1 ratio. The constraining factor is already the mineral and crystal requirement anyways.