Also, what would you guys consider "low level bishop leech"? I'm unsure when to move on to Ulu1 and stuff. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated <3 not sure if you are asking from the standpoint of a bishop selling leech or as a leech buyer. however this thread shows you the level ranges for each mob and the requirements to one/two hit them. generally I believe low level bishops are around 12X
Yes I have seen that thread. I was just wondering when it was considered that I was too high to be leeching GS2/WS (for efficient exp ofcs).
you usually move onto the next mob as soon as you can leech there. so gs2 till 75 then move to ws. then from Ws you can go to ulu1 at 85?
Oh my god, I'm so stupid. I forgot to mention that I'm a bishop selling leech in the title. e.e okay nevermind ;p