Hey the title says it all. I get a black screen after cc. It takes me back to the login screen. When i want to login it says already logged in. So i fix it on the control panel at the site. Then when i want to login the client quits. And i can't start the cliet again or login. It's really anoying to not be able to change channel. I hope more people have this error and can help me. I have the latest .Wz files i guess. I added these manually http://royals.ms/patch/latest/. Tnx for help already.
I am also having this issue, although mine goes much further than just Changing channels I put up a post with all of my issues, but good to know I am not the only one with these annoying d/cs!
I have this issue as well. I get disconnected whenever I change channels or exit the Cash Shop after purchasing something. When I try to open the client, I get the server check pop-up, and after about 5 minutes it opens, but when it does it says I'm already logged in. EDIT: I also get the same result occasionally when I log out.
Seems like this has been a widespread problem in the last day or so. Our host is currently investigating this issue.
This has been happening to me as well. I reported the problem to Kat 2 days ago and was asked to make a post here: http://royals.ms/forum/showthread.php?t=5863&page=6 I am using Mac.
I don't have the issue any more. I think it was just a server thing. But i replaced my .wz files and wanted to reinstal mapleroyal to the right folder C://programfiles(x86) or something like that. But it wasn't really necessary. So I suggest you should just redownload the latest wz files and put them in your folder. I have Windows 7 BTW.
Thank you for the update and advice sander3d. We were indeed having server connectivity problems about 24 hours ago but these should all be resolved now.
It's been happening to me as well, and now I'm having trouble using the website and the forum. Could it possibly just be a result of the increased player base?
Is there a reason the server is down? I saw that there was going to be a server check or something a couple hours ago. Not sure why it's down though and wondering if everything is okay with the server. Any news?
There was connectivity issues. Matt said in the chatbox that it might be up in 6 minutes as long as the problems don't return before then