^ but there weren’t many people doing LMPQ at that time so instead of waiting for hours to get a party, I just went to mp3
Can actually go there starting from level 50. It's what i did. Did nothing but keep one finger on Heal and levelled 3 times in 2 hours.
I didn't see anything about ludi maze pq and pirate pq in here, would you consider the experience any better than gs between lvl 55 and 70? Also, wanted your opinion on endgame ideal equips.
When i tried leeching in ulu1 , I wasn't able to 1 hit all the monster with 1120ma and gene 20 but 1130+ was good.
Hello, Could someone suggest solo training guides for priests? I'm level 84, and I don't want to buy leech at WS, or ulu. I solo train, and will until I can either SELL leech, or get it for free. Where should I go? I've been at MP3 for like 25 levels lol.
Tough news, you will stay in MP3 a bit longer. If you are going the grinding route, hopefully you added Shining Ray first, or at least added all points to Shinging Ray after maxing HS. In this way, you can start soloing Himes (Dreamy Ghosts) around LV 85-87. Solo there until LV 95. After that you can get leech EXP even when your teammate kills it. By then, it will be more efficient to duo with a Chief Bandit, Dragon Knight, I/L, or other attackers. You just use teleport+heal to gather them and let your teammate do the damage, occasionally help attacking with Shining Ray if you have free time. Duo in Himes until LV120. I did it all the way to LV111 and just gave up. Bought petri leech to 120 after that.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar for replying! I thought I was still too low for Himes? I'm 89 now, and I didnt max HS first. Am now though.
I was your level 2days ago now I'm 112 with a good chance for 120 by tonight, never bought a leech. I stayed at coolie zombies all the way until 83 because that map gives exp + nice money which bought me some nice equips. At 83 I went straight to those lvl100 dreamy ghosts/himes it was no problem I could hit them fine and got 1 lvl per 30-40mins. However I did not max HS I knew I was going to play solo so I maxed shining ray first and it was lvl 30 when I went to this map. I'm using blue tickets to buy energizer drinks as well to make farming here quiker. Maybe some of this can be of help.