A while back, LMPQ exp was nerfed from 450 exp per ticket to 300 exp per ticket. So.. revert please? The official reason was to encourage other lv 51-80 PQs but I think it's BS that they didn't just buff other sources of EXP, and no-one's doing any other PQs anyway, so that's a completely failed change. Also nerfing PQ without compensatory buffs just encourages people to grind, or even worse, pay for leech. The best alternative would be to significantly buff OPQ exp but there's been no dev input on that other thread so I assume that's a no-go I included a poll just to see what people think. Also I put "500 exp" because I didn't realise it was actually 450 exp, so just assume it means 450 exp.
They can either nerf leech, make hp washing more attainable at any level or buff all the party quests. I agree, I met the best people doing party quests and not bossing.
totally agree. when i started royals lmpq was really helpful when you couldnt afford leeching. i still dont understand the nerf of the exp. all it did was make leeching more prominent? nowadays its difficult to even find ppl in channel 1 ludibrium not to mention finding a party
Welcome to MapleLeechers. Its all a big rush to late game so everyone can have twelve characters that can all fight horntail. They couldn't care less about PQs.
Kind of off topic but I would also like to suggest buffing Ludi PQ exp to compete with CPQ. You don't need to make it equal, but as it stands currently, the exp you gain per hour in CPQ is vastly superior to Ludi PQ. Just a buff for people to consider running Ludi PQ as an alternative. Most of the time you have to use a smega to get a party for Ludi PQ to get it started.
There's simply not enough lower-levelled players that are actively participating to keep all PQs active simultaneously. Perhaps what would help is to have a rotating, floating exp bonus for ONE PQ (except CPQ maybe since its op enough as it is) every week/fortnight to converge more players to one area. I can't speak for other older players, but personally I enjoy making new characters just to play level-capped lower level content, and would love to also participate specifically in LPQ LMPQ OPQ again (not with my own mules), if only it were easier to form a team. Rather than to buff/nerf a PQ every year like what happened to the ones aforementioned, and in doing so always upsetting a small group of players who enjoyed them, I think this would help make all of them relevant to an extent. It would also help make it feel less of a grind when players are able to advance through different content rather than just spam 'PQ of the Year' and have 'Make XPQ Great Again' threads do their quarterly appearance. Not sure how complicated this would be to implement in the current client, but I think it could be automated in new new source from all the good things I've heard about it! #soontm
I really like this idea. It could definitely stop the crowding around the one pq with the best exp. Considering the population of the server, there is definitely too many PQs open to accommodate all of them at once, so something like this will let players experience something other than CPQ and still level at a decent rate.
There's still the issue of informing the players on such a change. Like, we could have some type of text effect to any player that enters one of the pq map "x PQ is currently double exp!“ or something like that? It needs to be as intuitive as it can be so that even new players will know whats up. So putting it on the main website or in the npc text is a no-go for me
We were discussing that issue as well and if it were to be automated, I would honestly make it into one of those lightbulbs that appear above your head like how some of the other events did.