Character Name: CraZyinLaws Last thing you did: afk Why do you think you got banned?: ip address ban as heard from my brother (xiaoenc) and brother-in-law (20cents) Ban message when attempting to log in: account id has been deleted or banned What GM banned you (optional): what gm ? So i suppose you guys might have read from 20cents and xiaoenc’s thread. We started playing MapleRoyals like 10 days ago, and no one ever told us anything about the voting rules. Just checked the forums earlier on and noticed that we are supposed to register for some whitelist if we have more than one person playing MapleRoyals in the household. Anyway here’s a video that i just took. (20cents appealing his ban. Don’t mind xiaoenc he’s sleeping lol) Let me know if you need us to send a photo of us holding a piece of paper with our id and the current date in front of our PCs. We are hereby not trying to misuse the system or what not. Please advise us on how we should get this issue settled. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thanks and regards, CraZyinLaws
It is clearly stated on the voting page that only one vote per household is allowed unless you've been accepted on the voting whitelist.
From the statement “If there is more than one player in your household, you need to be accepted on our Voting Whitelist before each of you is allowed a daily vote.” If we are accepted on the voting whitelist, we will be able to vote on our individual computers ? After i made my first vote using my PC, 20cents and xiaoenc was able to vote through their mobile phones. So we thought that everything was fine, since the system allowed us to vote that way. If we are not allowed to vote more than once a day, why did the system tell us “thank you for voting”, instead of something like “one user have already voted once today, please apply for the voting whitelist etc etc” ? It’s like you guys are letting us do something wrong unknowingly and then ban us out of nowhere without any warning whatsoever. Not even an email asking us to confirm our identity or what not. As 20cents mentioned... if the ban happened on the first day, we would have known that what we were doing is wrong and can rectify from there. I’m really confused about why we can still vote when we were not even supposed or allowed to. Does that mean that there is a security fault somewhere ? I really hope that an admin can look into this matter to see if this is going to be a permanent or temporary ban. To the new players out there, please please PLEASE read the forums and stuff before you even start doing anything. And to you guys/admin, even if this is going to be a permanent ban, please improve on the instructions and rules so that new players can stick to the game and enjoy it. I’m sure nobody wants to get banned for something they have no intention of doing. I believe the reason we got banned is due to the fact that the system thinks we are one individual, voting on many accounts. However that is not the case and i’m sure there is a way to prove our innocence. This is the real world, people are always guilty unless proven innocent.
This is exactly what it says on the voting page, word for word. The second section outlines clearly that it is not allowed to have multiple votes coming from a household unless you have been accepted on the Voting Whitelist. If you click the link to read the voting rules, again the second section clearly outlines that what was done can be deemed as vote abuse. Also, the Terms and Conditions, which you must agree to upon sign up for the game, show this under Moderate Infractions, section 6.
On a side note, who reads the terms and conditions when signing up for a new facebook/itunes account. I’m pretty sure almost everyone scrolls all the way down and check the checkbox without even reading anything. But I must admit that it is our own fault for not reading the t&c. However you’re still missing my point here. Yes we are not allowed to vote on multiple devices. But why did the system let us do so if we have not apply for the voting whitelist yet, which led us thinking that we were allowed to do so ? If this is the case, we would have no choice but to accept the 14 day ban since this is our first offence(even though we did not know we offended the system). Please keep us updated thanks Muff!
The ban is currently set as permanent due to the amount of NX gained within the household of players.
You’re still not answering me on why we can still vote when we are not allowed to. this is the reason for the “amount of NX” gained within the household. We don’t really care about the NX anyway, if need be just take all our NX away. We just want to enjoy the game proper.
If you had tried to all vote using the same IP address, you would have been blocked. Using a different IP address to connect (your mobile phones) is circumventing the measures put into place to prevent extra votes from being registered by the same household.
so there's three of you guys, but in many instances there's between 4 and 6 votes per day coming from your accounts.
Hi Tim. By 4-6 you’re referring to other accounts right ? Don’t think it’s 4-6 votes on our main id. We all have storage accounts where we store items such as power elixirs/scrolls. And sometimes our sister/parents use their mobile phones to vote for these accounts, since they do not play the game. Like i mentioned above, if the system stopped us from voting more than once per day, we would have applied for the whitelist immediately. But it did not. They just let us vote, making us think it was was fine to do so. T.T
This is counted as vote abuse, regardless of whether you're all on whitelist or not, simply because you asked your sibling/parents to vote for you while they are not players themselves. You as a player can only vote ONCE every 24 hours on accounts YOU OWN. So given the following scenario: I have a few accounts, but I vote on one of them every 24 hours. But then I asked my friend to help me vote for my another account using his home wifi/mobile data. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED.
Since there are 6 members in our household, could we have gotten all of us to apply for the whitelist ? That includes the 3 of us plus my sister(which is 20cents’s wife) my mom and my dad. Honestly, we did not apply for the whitelist which we were supposed to do so. And that serves as a 14 days ban. I have to agree on that. Not a perma ban. It is still relevant to the 4-6 votes Tim mentioned. It’s not like we created 10 or 20 accounts to vote every day which would probably be deemed as vote abusing. If we were given a warning to tell us what we were doing is wrong, i would have probably got all 6 of us to apply for the whitelist. Who knows, my mom might even start playing MR and she can vote for her own account. xD She used to play maplesea in the past anyway. But the thing here is you guys did was just perma ban our ip without asking us to provide you guys with any supporting evidence.
you're basically describing that you want your unplaying family members to vote for you thus gaining an unfair advantage over other players. You and your two playing friends / family members should apply to the voting whitelist and only vote once per day per playing person for your own accounts.
That is untrue. “I want my unplaying family members to vote for me?” If that is against the rules i would definitely NOT want anyone to vote for me. Why would we want to risk ourselves getting banned for something we know about. Like we have already explained upteen times. How we ended up getting all these extra votes was due to the fact that we were not aware of what’s acceptable and what’s not. Anyway i have read a couple of other ban appeals and realised that we are not the only ones who are in this situation. There might just be something wrong with the way MR states their t&c/rules and regulation. Anyway we’re deeply sorry with how everything has turned out for everyone so far. So many people are getting perma banned regarding this voting issue without a first warning.
Unfortunately, ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. There are many staff and players alike who could have helped you with answering the questions you had to the rules. It is clearly stated on the voting page that each household may only vote once per day. With the amount of extra votes that were coming from your household each day, it warrants a permanent ban, being deemed as major abuse of the voting system.