Let me say this so that the conversation doesn't go in the direction it always does, balance changes don't only need to be for end game skills, there's more to the game than just bossing content. The simple fact that the topic doesn't pertain to end game doesn't deny it discussion. With that being said, double stab is a hilariously weaker version of lucky 7 (So much so that many bandits forgo the skill all together and just max lucky 7 & use that, hence the origin of the "Sindit"). While it definitely shouldn't be a priority, yeah, it probably should be at least somewhat on par with lucky 7, but I doubt anything will change because of mah nostalgia.
Its pretty silly that bandits get punished for playing the first job correctly and using daggers right at the beginning. It would be silly if lets say buccs would be incentivised to use the double shot instead of their knuckle skills, so why is sindit so accepted? I won't say sindit is very nostalgic either, as i saw a lot of people using a dagger on 1st job in GMS. Its just another quirk of having the internet evolve, and sharing these efficient strats became so ubiquitous. Sure, that isn't a bad thing, but it causes some weird balance quirks to be exploited by players, and leaving the intended way of play behind. (Look no further than leeching, summon farming, and skills no one uses). Its up to debate what's more nostalgic, so ill just say that imo this skill needs a bit of a boost
I think there was a lot of Sindits back in GMS. I remember Sindits were extremely useful for LPQ to hit the boxes that were out of reach.
I will only use Double Stab over Lucky 7 if the damage dealt would be higher, not sure how to math that out since Lucky 7 is purely based on LUK and not by attack range. I will still recommend Lucky 7 over Double Stab (buffed damage) if the person wants to do Ludibrium PQ (to cover role of assassin)
The reason lucky 7 is so much stronger is that it got a LUK based formula that is stronger and already got pretty stable damage Double stab relies on mastery, and without mastery the damage is very unstable and might take many hits to kill So if you raised the damage it won't matter that much without mastery, cause it will still take more hits to kill mobs
This is coming from a person who have two chief bandits and have never skilled L7 but chose to go the real bandit way of using double stab; I regret it. Double stab is absolutely horrible in 1st job, and here are the reasons why they are so: Shit damage More melee than warriors slash blast/strike due to dagger range Becomes obsolete rather quick on 2nd job There's absolutely no pro for one to choose DS over L7 as a rogue. L7 just leaves DS in dust in every aspect. I only chose DS because I had this snowflake thinking of being a "true bandit" and I absolutely regretted it because it made my rogue lives so much more painful than it could have been.
Also do not try maxing DS and holding 100+ Base Int as you go into the 2nd Job Map. I did, and it required use of 2 apples just to barely pass it.
no please double stab may be weak but shadowers already have the best 3rd job and a sexy 4th job and if we buff this weak double stab skill, everyone will want a buff to every weak skill
Technically, any bandit can avoid double stab by being a sindit, so buffing the double stab won't really buff the class as a whole, only let them use a dagger before second job without feeling like idiots
Don't think there's a need to change it. Double stab being weaker than lucky seven is absolutely fine. Different skills don't have to deal the same damage. Perhaps it should only be changed if double stab deterred many players from playing the bandit class. Which is not the case.
Before i learned about sindit, it actually did deterred me from this class. I dropped my rouge bandit-to-be around lvl 2x because of how shit double stab was. (though, i'd admit that when i discovered sindit, i also read about 3rd job and was detered anyways because i saw that ME gameplay bled into the gameplay of shads in the pre-buff era)