I know it's been talked about before, but I want to say my piece. There is literally no reason to cancel power guard when mounting and I never had this problem in GMS. I played a hero then, and play one here. The signature style of using a mount to not be painfully slow as a warrior is void right now.
I'm not sure it's fair for warriors to require 3 pets. Aside from being pricey, it's super spatially obnoxious and makes everyone very nervous in raids and parties. It already took a couple tries to +5(/7) my one pet equip. Max speed is also 30% slower than silvermane, and about 200% behind teleport or flash jump. I was still slow as fluff in GMS, but it was better than n̶o̶ ̶m̶o̶u̶n̶t̶ a punishing mount.
I went ahead and bought multiple pets as a makeshift solution. I get speed from one. After all of the nx spent, I am no faster than when I started. Lovely. Can we please get a fix for one of these problems? I feel cursed to walk at a snail's pace. I'm pretty frustrated about every other class having movement options (and having functioning mounts if they want that), while having the already slowest class, warriors, be gimped.
Pet works fine now, just ignore my grumpy butt. Was having troubles with it yesterday for whatever reason
I played GMS pre-big bang too and I remember mounting up cancelling Power Guard. I used to hate mounting when hunting big foots because i needed Power Guard to survive for a long time.
They fixed it soon after because it was an awful bug. The old forums show the mass complaints about it.
I used to complain about it, but would you want an enemy to get aggro'd to you because you walked through it with a mount where you can't use potions? I just thought that was intended so I just ignored it after a while. This is coming from someone with two paladins and a hero. I know pet auto-hp exists and it heals you on mounts, but I'd still rather it stay how it is because having monsters attack you when you're just traveling somewhere can get annoying.
Then you can just not cast it when you are simply traveling around. I usually only cast stance before i ride a mount when im out of combat. Giving the player the option to use mount in bossing without feeling like it was pointless when the effect wears off and requires recasting is more important than the potential inconvenience of forgetting PG on when you walk past mobs. Not to mention that against most mobs, you'd walk past them so fast that they won't be able to retaliate with magic (especially with stance). And for your hp argument, if the above statment is true, then PG would actually save you hp so that you'll need to dismount less often if you need to drink a potion (if you are a madman that doesn't use autopot that is lol).
It's only a bug if it's unintended which strictly speaking makes it not a bug ( I think Kevin mentioned once it's specifically coded to dispell PG )- and I think you over estimate how quickly they changed it- I don't ever remember power guard working on mounts and I played a few years at least with mounts in game. However- what it's worth I think it's inconsistent how PG works compared to rogue mechanics with evade but that's Nexon/Wizet for you. edit: I think theres an older thread on here somewhere- mounts should also dispell that mage spell that reflects damage too. It seems to be a damage reflection issue- not a damage reduction issue.
Almost all magic attacks that are casted by mobs can only happen AFTER you aggro them, so having the reflect on while you are on mount has no real effect on aggro. Also, mages have tp, i rarely ever see a mage on a mount. What i wonder more about is how mount interacts with the charge mechanic of bucc, as it does reflect damage as well, does it only remove the reflect, does it remove the charge, or is it ignored?
For bucc, u get stance effect but no overpowered pg effect when on mount. Sadly, this means u cant kill snails just by bumping into them because ur pig is anti snail murder
Huh, so removing half of the skill is doable? So why not just have mount disable the reflecting part once you mount. The most important part of the skill is being able to survive really high touch damage, or wasting less hp pots. I wouldn't recast this skill just for the reflect effect. Heck, in any fight where i dont need to stand on the boss, PG barely do anything. And only if their hits are high, the reflect damage adds up to anything meaningful