I'm glad you agree! You are focusing on exceptions rather than the rule itself and forgetting what this thread is about: GM inactivity. Is your excuse for the GMs being inactive that they can't ban *every* cheater, so they don't do anything at all? If so, I don't share (or even understand) your perspective. We have GMs who are doing absolutely nothing for months and months and months on end, then when they finally do show face, they don't perform any of their duties and instead use their very seldom appearance to participate in unhelpful shit like the memes thread of get it off your chest thread. This isn't because of the broken control panel, and the lack of a working control panel isn't an excuse for such decision making. Yes, I made a report just this week with evidence and the person was permanently banned. It wasn't for hacking, so I am most definitely "aware" lol. How am I "overestimating" how much a GM can do? Please go through every one of my posts ITT and cite where I made a claim that is an "over estimation" (???) of their capabilities. I will gladly apologize if I have done so, but I cannot find a single instance in my own review of them. I never once said that they have to manually find hackers, but it isn't difficult to do at all. In fact, it's beyond easy and the only real requirement is a time investment. I have done it, and yes, as a GM (which makes it far easier than it is for you or any other ordinary player who tries to play hacker hunter). There have been instances where hackers were botting for 24+ hours straight despite being posted on the shout box a multitude of times (and not overridden either). That shit is unacceptable. A GM can simply look at the shout box, hop in game, turn on their fraps/recording, and ban them... just like that. Yes, it is *that* simple. The fact that we lack enough active GMs to overlook the shout box and address an active hacker over the span of an entire day (or more) should speak for itself in how dire our need for replacements is.
I'm stating reasons for the inactivity, not excusing them. Things that need to be said because this isn't something that will be fixed just by hiring new staff members. There is a cycle and most likely, new recruits will face a similar situation until things like auto ban or improved control panels are implemented. If these things aren't addressed its going to be a band-aid, not preventing it from happening again with new staff members. I do agree on hiring new members regardless that will be active in the meantime until things are improved overall, but the overarching issue can't just be ignored in the end.
I gotchu https://strawpoll.com/g3exx686 Also so it's remotely on topic- We've had more than a couple bad apples in Staff since I joined- won't speak for Matt but I wouldn't be surprised if he's a little cautious. It has been a bit longer in terms of gaps between hires than it has been in the past tho.
My thoughts exactly, during those times it wasn't very fun to be in the game or around forums, it just felt like the community took a hit, and going through that again will not be a good experience for MapleRoyals. Although I agree with OP about the need of new GMs I also wish they would still keep their standards high, even if it takes a bit longer to recruit.
The reason doesn't matter when the individual has the power to no longer remain in their position knowing that they cannot (or will not) fulfill it. My viewpoint is that if you can/will no longer perform your duties, you resign or be let go (replaced). Surely if you were a quality team member they'll likely add you back on should you return and feel capable of performing duties again, but in the meantime a replacement should be actively sought out. Like for real here, y'all really wanna tell me that in upwards of 8 months (someone else ITT mentioned a GM being inactive for this long iirc) we couldn't get anybody to apply as a replacement who could perform better than somebody absent? Idk 'bout dat I'm with you on the auto-ban and control panel stuff, absofuckinglutely dude. It's obviously needed and once implemented will make an immediate impact for both players and GMs, but that doesn't change the issue at hand in GM inactivity and how it's being dealt with. Even with both of those things we still need active GMs performing routine duties, and at the moment we have a bunch of dead weight who aren't doing that (not saying they didn't contribute-even a fuck ton which I have nothing but appreciation for-before, speaking in the present). Tim and Shane have been taking on greater workloads than they should have to and even then they can't keep up with it all (no h8). Players clearly don't like the situation and I can't see how the staff would be happy with an elevated work load, so who is actually benefiting with the current approach? What overarching?
I would like to offer my services. I will use my power and my addiction to hunt down and ban every uwu'er I see 24 hours a day. For just a small payment of five chaos scrolls per ban, you would be a fool to let this offer pass you by.
They don't hate on them being inactive, the hate the fact that they still hold their title. They have the right to say "im tired of this game" and leave. But retaining a GM role while having almost no intent to return is irresponsible. Not to mention, that if we let a GM that haven't played for a year return to being a GM right away, i wouldn't be surprised if one day, one will return without any care for the server, and just go mess around with his gm tools for the lols then disappear again.
Thanks all for the replies! I did not expect this to blow up kek.. Firstly, I'd like to say that I have nothing but admiration for the staff who put in hours of hard work behind the scenes. It's a noble and selfless endeavour to do especially when sometimes one doesn't get gratitude and appreciation for it. (BTW I made this thread because I was simply slightly concerned over the state of things as it has been like this for some time) Having said that, I just think that it's a little sad to see so few staff coming in and doing their best while the others who were also hired in the same equal capacity aren't doing much. Finding good folks who can do their job well is hard and the last thing you want to do is to lose them to burnout. If time is a concern to inactive staff, surely they can come in and engage with the community once every few weeks or months? Even shitposting or just simply engaging in thoughtful discussion every once a while shows that they are concerned enough not to let the community die down again like it did some periods of the year I actually think we have some applicants who (I think) could be good GMs. I understand that it's just a big risk to take a gamble on anyone you haven't seen face-to-face but no matter how much time goes by, the risk is just going to be there. The admins just have got to do it sooner or later
I mean, at this point just having some more presence on the forums would be a good start. Bring on some GM's to sift through and respond to player complaint threads, character issue threads, or just answering ban appeals when they first come in. Even if theres still just as long of a wait to get the issue resolved, atleast having someone/anyone mod/gm/gm trainee answering the thread gives the appearance that their issue is being looked into and can help ease some of the pressure you guys face. Its all about giving the illusion of being waited on that will often do the job.
I don't remember what you were talking about, but those 2 words caught my attention. Where do I sign up for this GM program thingy?