Hey, i tired the Halloween Gauntlet 4 times, on the bosses part i attacked the whole time, didn't stop for once and i was close enough to actually hit But i don't understand why i don't get the reward.. after the 5th boss i get the message "you did not deal enough damage to be rewarded" I use the reg attack to hit them, im bs 135, anyone has any idea why?
Cuz your weapon speed is too low? or maybe your ETC is full? IDK either. You have to hit like 35 hits on the 5th boss to get a reward I believe.
Maybe you don't hit them since you can't saw your chatacter wish is normal since there's alot of people lol
1. i suggest you to go to lith harbor, and buy a fruit knife, it has the fastest attack speed which will help you land more hits. 2. the "enough damage" is counted only on the last boss, so pay close attention that you are truly hitting the ghost boss, melee have it hard when it comes to actually knowing where you are and what you are hitting.