Spoiler: context I'm going to sound a little passive aggressive here but I'm real curious why this is considered being endorsed as legal? You are literally hands off, not even looking at the screen and spamming hurricane for minutes. Whoever tells me "it stops when you get hit" or "it stops when your auto-mp runs out the second time" - a BM could go and krex, snipe newts etc etc etc for hours and churn through entire Netflix series without paying any attention. Heck, your client doesn't even have to be active for you to be spamming an active skill. So tell me, after months and years of debate about how summon farming is "not the way you should play this game"; nerfing auto-loot to that end and shredding shadowers down to dust after giving all of them Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Royals is now turning around and saying this is legal? How is this fundamentally different from macrobotting? Why the hell is this legal when it's 0 key to 1 consistent action when 1 key to 2 actions is considered a ban-able offence? For what it's worth, I don't even own a BM. Or a shadower. I may be wrong about how the glitch functions, enlighten me. I just can't stand the apparent hypocrisy. Open to discussion, community and staff alike.
Kinda off-topic but the disable pet loot for summon farming wasn't targeted at the players, but the botters
And that is why Marksmen deserved their nerf of not being able to hit through weapon cancel with Snipe anymore It is hilarious when you see people using a BM to do things like... attacking Mage boss in Cwkpq while they do melee bosses, double attacking in a Scarlion run, or afk attacking in Krex run while they watch a show or leave their computer for a little while. I don't think Hurricane should be touched but it's kind of a double standard on the Devs/Staff to reduce MM's damage output on bosses with Weapon Cancels when they have to be active at all times to be useful whereas BMs can be inactive while attacking.
I think they would've removed it if they could. There's no real way to tell someone is doing this unless they dont respond, so enforcing it as bug abuse is pretty murky. Like, the only situation where i believe they should enforce it is in people dual clienting on the same pc and alt tabbing hurricane, cause that's easier to detect. In cases where its just someone alt tabbing hurricane then doing nothing else, visually it looks the same. So if they do respond, you won't be able to enforce the rules and ban them even though they did it.
As things are right now, I think it is a pretty obvious advantage BM has over MM, you basically have a second attacker. At least when I make an archer I will definitely pick BM because this is a real end game advantage not to mention BM is literally stronger over MM for insignificant reasons and MMs just got nerfed because Snipe going through weapon cancel is not intended even though the videos show otherwise and the feedback thread just gets ignored while BMs get to keep their very intended tab out feature so you can legally play 2 attackers at once. Well I get that many BMs are not going to be very happy but back when I got banned for 2:1 action or the recent MM nerf I never really understood why this tab out feature is overlooked and found it ridiculous. I would love to understand the thought process of how this is actually considered legit. I'm pretty neutral whether it gets changed or not since I will simply abuse use this "legit" method eventually when I make a BM myself if it's unchanged, and if it's changed it doesn't affect me much (I might feel more inclined to make MM for the lols perhaps). But it is true that I find it quite inconsistent when it comes to this whole ?:1 action output rule. I guess there are technical problems in spotting the player but at the very least their stance should be that it is not legit and if caught the said player would be considered glitch abusing. As of now though their stance has always been that it is considered legit, which is where the issues lies with imo since it is considered robotic play if you hold down a button (with a weight) and continuously attack, but when you do the tab out hurricane feature it's suddenly acceptable. Not to mention it bypasses the limit of 100 keys input iirc, another hidden advantage.
What is this? Ontopic: If i had to decide i'd do this: Make alt tabbing hurricane glitch abuse and buff Marksmen. When i see a level 200 MM with 21 dex earrings, and other comparable equipment + onyx apple active hit 13k dmg a line with strafe it really bugs me.. that class deserves some attention @camello stay strong buddy, lol
When you hold down your skill button eg Brandish it keeps repeating and after a certain amount of times (iirc 100? Never really counted) your character will stop attacking and you have to move around before you hold down the key again. But for hurricane it seems like you could keep going on as long as you got the MP needed.
Both hurricane and rapid fire work this way, regardless of this bug exploit. Because holding the skill down is only one action, it wont stop even if more than 100 arrows were shot.
Yeah that's true, the point is that this feature makes hurricane/rapid fire a legit and convenient way of bypassing the 1:1 because even botters have to move their characters once in awhile in order to repeat the skill
Actually no. If you get hit, the hurricane will stop immediately. Also, auto MP pot does not work on Hurricane. If you are spamming hurricane and your MP is getting lower than the threshold you set in Setting, your MP is not recovered, and you have to use MP pot manually.
the question is how do you know someone is afk hurricane attacking though ? like someone said as long as youre at the computer (and respond to a msg) it will look like any skill as if you are attacking normally. I assume reasons the shadower one got nerfd (im guessing regarding how quick ppl would drop mesos) is that it literally looks abnormal and like some kind of glitch/program (im just guessing here never seen it done tbh) where as hurricane will look like anyone using hurricane the normal way lol
Wrong. You can tell someone is alt tab hurricaning when theres no hurricane graphic but arrows flying out from the character
gotcha. i mean i use this alt+tab on my bm all the time, but im always at the screen there so i only see my side of things, idk how others see it haha
Gms had a limit to how many actions you could perform standing in the same spot before you basically stopped. It was part of the larger anti botting system. On my bm if i didnt move for a long enough time i would stop firing missles while still appearing to be using hurricane. I dont know if Royals has this feature or not as I still move my bm small amounts while bossing out of habit from back in the day but if not it could be worth tyring