okay it increments properly for the individual snow count, but i think its still broken for my bishop for the total from our guild [ATTACH] 121908...
when royals loses one smega clown it gets replaced by a worse one
sold 4 att RS @ 450m bought 8 att FS @ 2.835b
okay this time i have definitive evidence [IMG] this isnt correct already, i have donated more than 2000 snow, as evidenced by my last post taken...
[ATTACH] ive turned in 4K snow today alone, but i dont have proof of that but here it says ive just turned in 2.1K but maple claws (the lying...
just like how there are better classes than others for bossing (cough cough buccaneer) there has to be classes that are better than others at CPQ...
[IMG] [IMG] dont forget to gfx kiddos
what's stopping people from creating 100 mapleroyals accounts, farming 800K NX each day, and then just stopping when they get banned just abuse...
why the fuckle would you outbid me and then not buy the claw
my point is you have hatred towards a GM it doesn't matter who or how many, thats not my point in my eyes you are only targeting him because you...
to me this seems a bit hypocritical after all, (if youre on the side against GMs), essentially youre siding with the people that hate on GMs...
and then we practically make the people who invest the most meso into snow win the guild snow race id rather make the guilds that are most...
ive been farming at ulu1 and i get a full set every 10 minutes or so i always have surplus
[ATTACH] minimap says there should be a flying NPC above where my ducky character is pretty spooky
when does bidding end?
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ban-appeal.116679/ i just like it when they get unbanned at the end
bump uwu
GF/BF: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/this-ia-an-id-that-has-been-deleted-or-blocked-from-connection.131259/
bump pls i dont have a claw atm sell one to me ;-;
pls not perfect i cant afford that kind of stuff preferably 90 att budget of approx 12b
i literally have no clue what he's saying by now
IGN: Ishpaw Name: Jasmine Age: 18 Job: Night Lord Level: 160 Timezone: UTC-8 Discord (yes/no): yea im in your discord Ban History? (We'd like to...
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