I been in this game for the past 15 years and something I encountered during these 15 years, that made me laugh really hard was an item dropped by...
See, that's the thing with this server. We've all been there, We've all made a Bishop, do you think we wanted to make one? Absolutely not. But...
@PapaJ , just make a bishop and sell leech........
Maplestory has never been about "higher" players feeling the need or even selling the leech to lower players. Maplestory in general has always...
Yeah because of as you said "to be fair to every player" no matter the context/story to it. Everyone gets to be treated equal and the impact they...
Well, I personally have nothing to add about the game in general, although the way the staff team deals with compensation to players for mistakes...
To save you time, I would start making a bishop. It is very expensive and time consuming to do any other class other than a mage class. You can...
https://gyazo.com/bdf91588762d383c600c7ad4086e9a3d I wonder how you master such technique?
We're debating over if this post is a "major" or "minor" or whatever severity, when there is an actual problem with the "boss". How come other...
In the past "party quest" you have been able to receive rewards from having a full inventory, once you removed 1 slot it would automatically add...
I cleaned my ETC tab and yet still didn't recive my reward... Nor could I claim it at "Witch Malady". [IMG]
[IMG] S> 7 ATK Facestompers. S/B: 2.2B A/W: 2.6B
This is my take on it. Unless you have money to "blow" I would highly recommend Sky Skies since they are much faster and kills mobs faster....
[IMG] S/B: 1.4B A/W: 1.8B C/O: 1.5B [IMG] S/B: 900M A/W: 1.4B [IMG] S/B: 650M A/W: 1.05B
Jag leder för tillfället en svensk stam, Vi är för nuvarande 2st, men målet är att vi ska utöka oss till allt fler och endast människor som talar...
Har en svensk guild som heter "Orten" om någon vill gå med?
Ever heard of booming 5x Mw20 in a row? @remko109
[IMG] RIP AP Reset prices...
Separate names with a comma.