Updated Because of some misunderstand 9 hours ago, removed 23BWG until the original buyer decided Sold 17SCG to @Skriliex in game
3556 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/mina-quiting-store-21luk-lfia-earrings-5-52-red-katte-f-1436-3556-roa.174323/
Hi, sorry for late reply, and yes I can accept as 28B because I need to resell it, or I just want to straightly sell out my 23BWG ; If you feel...
B>Dark Moon Shoes But think you are not online now
Sorry I have a 20SCG selling too ~f18 Added 23BWG Sold 123DSC to @495ysRipple , removed 119KC now because 123DSC sold
Added 123DSC 119KC 130wa 17LUK dragon kanzir Sold 16SCG to @chainyu0220 22BWG to @ya94030110
Sold HP Quest Set (Ellinia) *1 to @TheRealMVP2
The rich got richer [ATTACH] Sold 114wa 6slot dragon kanzir to @Fish and Chips
Added 114wa 6slot dragon kanzir (potential 144wa)
Sold HP Quest Set (Ellinia) *1 to @Godfooler
Sure, traded you just now, ty for buying ~ Sold 81/11RC to @jacky13chen14
Added 81/11RC
Sold HP Quest Set (Ellinia) *1 to @MrSolex
Sold 91/19RC & 119KC, used both of them for trade an weapon 11/3SCG (finish it to be 17SCG) to @Einherjar
Added 11/3SCG (=17SCG) Sold 8/5BWG, used for a trade TMA192 Elemental Wand6 (unfinished) in game shop 16SCG to @nattycake, still have 16SCG~
Sold HP Quest Set (Ellinia) *1 to @kthx
16SCG 3.1B
Supported languages : English , Chinese ; It means you can leave message by these language, so I can understand easier 可支援的語言 : 英文 , 中文 ;...
Added Perfect RC and Perfect KC ~
Sure can, +1.2B
Added 16SCG
Sure, traded 3mins ago, ty for buying, pro :VLuwu: Sold 17SCG to @chainyu0220
21luk is ok too ?
Separate names with a comma.