Pm me for dagger if still available
Still available?
IGN/Level/Job: DrakoTheDit, 171 shad Other Characters: Have a bishop but forgot ign Timezone: GMT 00:00 Previous Guilds: GarlicBread Do you know...
B>Assasinate 30 & 12 Dex Earrings! Offer me please! :)
Edit: New S/B
Please PM when online: Drakothedit , to make the purchase :)
Yes it is, think I'll sell all normal NX items 1:3. If that's good with you?
ALL MUST GO FAST! S>Balanced Furies S/B: 1.3B C/O: A/W:1.7B [ATTACH] S>Nx Items: (1:3m for normal NX items) [ATTACH]
IGN: DrakoTheDit Level: 162 Class: Shadower HP: 13k after Meso Gaurd Date available: Whenever - Just message alliance Prequests done?: Yes
Will PM tomorrow, thanks :)
S>11 m att Purple Gaia Cape Clean s/b 350m c/o: n/a a/w 500m [ATTACH]
Still selling?
SB for kanzir
Mummy mask still available?
Bump, new C/O and A/W added!
Selling this fine PuGC! S/B: 500m C/O: 550m LarissaNL 550m A/W: 800m SOLD for 700m in game [ATTACH]
Updated with both
Selling this fine chair. S/B: 500m C/O: 1B by leojim0103 A/W: No A/W, will go to highest bidder within 24 hours of post. EDIT: SOLD [ATTACH]
Your Character Names: Drakothedit, xoxdrakoxox Last thing you did: BF Why do you think you got banned?: ME glitch Ban message when attempting to...
Separate names with a comma.