[ATTACH] Level 15 now :)
[ATTACH] Looking to join Ironman guild ~f14
i gached 875,000 nx 2 days ago, got 1 white scroll, you're pretty lucky
I would do CS, but i take them as 500m each, I currently need mesos and bil coin, and it takes ages selling cs-ws at market price :P
[ATTACH] SOLD 23b @Virgo ACCEPTING : Bil Coins ~bcoin[Preferred payment] Mesos ~mesos White Scrolls ~ws @ 500m I AM NOT ACCEPTING: CHAOS...
hi, I have a 19-90 RC, if you are still interested https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-rc-90-19-no-downgrades.233421/
please leave ur ign here, and i will find u in-game when i am available :) and tell me ur timezones when you will be online
[ATTACH] 2.5b straight. SOLD TO @Mooring ACCEPTING: ~bcoin ~cs@500m ~ws@500m NO DOWNGRADES PLEASE :PBGasp:
Sad to see you go, but I'm sure it has been a fun and adventurous journey ! we all hope you good luck on your future endeavours ! and may you...
sry, I will withdraw my offer, my friend sold me a 4 dex RoA, I no longer need the 5 dex RoA. sorry about that
Hi let me know when you can come on (server time) so I can roughly be on near that time so we can do the trade:sammyhey:
Maybe put in FM store for 2.1b and I'll buy it later when I finish work
Hi, are you willing to trade your 10ATT FS for my 9att + top up
your point doesn't justify that this server is still 3.2x EXP, DROP, MESO rates and on top of that "VOTING DAILY" can potentially get you more...
someone already bought it ~f12
If you put it up for 1.8 I'll be there in about 1-2 hrs time
What's the lowest you can do on the 21/7 skirt
If you can do 1.3b, I'll buy it in 1-2 hrs time~f18
Thank you for this message. I tried to explain it this way, but people are too stubborn and arrogant to read our messages :admincry: but yeah....
Hi hi, are prices negotiable?? If so, your red pirate skirt (20 Dex 6 luk) currently at 1.55b, Can I make an offer of 1.2b?:sammyhey:
Separate names with a comma.