A change is hard. You need courage, motivation, and a strong will. You might feel lost at times, but quitting is not an option.
I believe in this server, as others have mentioned here above, mapownership is what determines whether you are kill stealing or not. As unfair it...
Never won an event before, got 2nd place! :D Prize: 1/3 rare NX overalls [ATTACH] [IMG]
Super OP! And excellent music choice for the video btw! ~f11
(Running on Windows 10) Unfortunately it didn't help. Tried all those methods, still having the same issue. ~f12
Ever since I started playing again I've been having this exact same issue:...
2 VIP runs, almost every helm 14 stat on luk and int. 10 60% scrolls. Final result 4/10. This character is officially cursed. ~f10 [ATTACH]
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ban-appeal.108825/ Have read it back and forth many times, best one in my opinion :D
Kui palju Eestlasi siin kandis on? ~f17 Ise olen pärit Eestist aga perega kolisime ära siis kui 12 olin. Aga juured on ikkagi Eesti riigis [:D]
As already mentioned by other people in this thread, I'm going to repeat the same thing. If this server had more than 1 or (exceptionally 2)...
For anyone who hasn't seen this during their time of playing old school MapleStory. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
(Not sure if this has been done before) ~f18 Share what you can dig up from long lost videos or screenshots, of treasure from old school...
Excellent idea! A good way to remind people not to break any rules.
It is absolutely fundamental for a server to have a good amount of players. I personally never stick around for long if the server is unpopulated....
When NLC seems to be more haunted than Haunted House. [IMG]
From personal experience, I would definitely say: no! Even if you paid for one helm or a VIP service, you never finished the run. It's not...
Here's a leprechaun :D [IMG]
First of all I feel like the chaos belt scrolls should of been untradable instead. This feels a bit unfair for certain people, spending on scrolls...
I usually use class buffs just for kicks before, then troll scroll with some random useless scrolls before using the important scroll. With 10%...
Separate names with a comma.