Lowest I will go right now will be 16.5b thanks.
Tbh im sick and tired of downgrades. sorry
Will pass sorry, also not in a rush.
bump sick and tired of seeing nls flash jump wherever the fuck they want like THE FUCKING TOP RIGHT HAD SO MANY BOXES UNOPENED BUT YOU FUCKING...
This is just a precursor to the usual, make pqs great again, remove leech meta, remove ridiculous meso creating multi mage meta, remove boss run...
You don't think octo mage yeti farming is good for the game? Wtf man its only 400m/h during events.
for how much
What a stupid fucking rule. Raise it to 20b and maybeeeee I'll consider it.
:confused: there are a lot of low levels who would benefit from that guide
I don't agree, who's in the market for a facestomper, usually chars at the bossing stage of their career 135+. If you make a new char, chances are...
If there were 13wa Von Leon boots that were cheaper than 13wa FS id buy them in a heartbeat. I think that since these are still kinda new and...
Oh yeah I worded that badly sorry. What I meant to say was, in its current implementation with the pin you have to enter on every login, it...
Problem is good account security means you are slower to login, as well as having a harder time to get a shop spot after resets. I say allow for...
Just in case anyone doesn't know, Jr Newties have an infinite spawn as well. Look up Jr Newtie sniping, you just stand still and kill these two...
Since we're just throwing ideas out there, what if instead of a daily, at lvl 200 you could have it be weekly, and you need to collect 7x the...
Just wanna talk about the razor vines, it used to be my most hated quest, however I made a post on one of the hp threads that talks about how...
look forward to it thanks for the work
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