Your first character was created in July of this year. How were you able to obtain a perfect kanzir recently? and a perfect RC...
there is a risk of drop trading FYI. Don't get scammed!
Your claim does not match our records at all. Our records show that you obtained them from a known rwt seller. With that being said, your appeal...
We found the original owner of these items already and looks like you got them from a known rwt seller. With that being said, your appeal is denied.
We cannot proceed without your friend's IGN. Someone with a gear set of 22 scg, 20 bfc, and 18fs wouldn't use a non-existing random letter and...
Can you walk us through the process in detail such as the time stamps? how many scrolls did you use and buy, what was the scroll outcome of each?...
what was your friend's IGN?
closed due to inactivity
Please provide some additional details regarding this part some questions such as: Who were your friends and what did they give you and when? How...
Could you be more specific? it's hard to evaluate your case considering the value of 24att FS and 24att BFC you got out of nowhere
Hmm interesting. I will have to forward your case to the admins for more checks. Please be patient for a response from them
You were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to explain the origin of your items and meso?
Do you recognize the IGN Bulgasal?
has anyone played on your device before?
What about your 24att bfc and 21att bwg? How did you acquire them?
Separate names with a comma.