@BabyRaine & I found @shinomoomoo @ Arena Bar, Kuala Lumpur. ~f14~f14~f14~f14~f14~f14~f14~f14 @eugenekhor when is your turn? [IMG]
[IMG] Hello July. I am coming back soon <3 wait for me royals <3
[IMG] It's been awhile. Hello!
Sorry, he only offer to me. I removed the post cause I was angry. Lololol.
[IMG] Best chair I got from the event. @Yanir
Finally. Lf > fund
Love you Jen Jen ❤️
My IGN: Darlie Staff Member: @Matt Items used: Brown Prince Cut, Onmyouji (Blue), Red Layered Hooded Shirt, Hawkeye Ocean Boots, Bandage Strip,...
IGN: Darlie Problem: Missing Item Details: I lost my RP santa overall after we moved to new source. I don't remember the exact name of it and I...
@洪郁軒 你的熊猫.. @Yan *darlie's evil smile*
i guess so. i deleted it completely few days back. see u in dota. i gonna log out from here
raine ss to me in whatsapp so i login comment lo. anyway who cares if you're back cause its dead here o.o JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK dota? ok
[IMG] "I heard that holy shampoo is not working now, is that real?" ~f18 WHAT IS HOLY SHAMPOO? @zMel @PuffyMelon
[IMG] i remember playing this 10 yrs ago also. lol now i feel like a noob.
#iamback F1
F1F1F1 p/s : I am also Colgate
I'm sorry but F1 again.
Separate names with a comma.