Did you scroll anything at all after attaining it? Legendary spirit automatically uses your white scroll if you don’t untick the box.
Depends entirely on the class alongside their level and stats of their other gear.
This is nonsense. My best friend on gMS was 11 (may have been 12-13 by the time BB came around). You read that right. 11. He had a NL with base...
Guess I won't help then! Good luck
You have it as an exception in Windows Defender too?
While I agree that they should not be able to be purchased by attacker classes, you do not know what pay to win means. Pay to win means paying...
invests years into a game doesn’t read the rules once niiiiiiice
Ease of farming is the one major upside of playing a mage class. It ties back to that whole balancing argument about how mages aren't sufficient...
Or.............. you can just vote like a normal person--once every 24 hours--and you'll never have a problem nor will you get banned for it....
How much top up is needed with a 16 att PGC to hold the c/o?
Would you accept an 18 scg (+4) + moses?
This isn’t a hack. It’s a technique used to ensure you’re 100% on the perfect spot to open/reopen a store in a squished space. You use an owl and...
pure spear unless you're planning on training at himes forever or something exotic like that
99/100 times when one sees “100/50/20” in regard to Zakum selling the 20 is going to be indicative of the SB price rather than the reloot price...
Thank you for answering. That said, lame. Wouldn't camping a spot for __ hours straight, or repeatedly camping one specific individual's spot(s)...
Short answer: Losers trying to fit in and “meme”. Long answer: uwu hurrr uwu u triggered? Uwu uwu uwu le troll meme uwu xDDD
Is it against the rules to leave your characters AFK inside of somebody’s hired merchant?
The quest bubble idea is outstanding IMO! I'd go even as far as to suggest actually doing Dojo (clearing certain stages) as other portions of the...
Make a poll. Zofran Remembrance Day.
Really boils down to personal preference and your intended style of game play. Do you plan on training at Himes and/or using a pole arm to train...
@Kaeru Okay, as per your request I'll keep it short and settle this fairly and without any fluff. Google isn't the dictionary to be using and...
Reading comprehension not your strong suit either? A direct quote from you: "i can bet you all my mesos, you are only supporting this because YOU...
Uh, he asked me a question and told me to tell him if he is wrong....so I told him that he is wrong. What more needs to be said? "You are...
You are going to have to start replying to my posts entirely going forward. You've picked and chosen random portions of each of my posts to reply...
For the second time now, you are wrong. I told you that the first time and you just didn’t listen. I already asked you to cite where I posted...
Separate names with a comma.