I can make this into a 135 for an added 200m on top of the final price...
Noted! Thanks for your bid :)
Yep! Only posted it last night :) feel free to offer here or via PM if you are interested. Thank you
[IMG] 3x30% on a perfect 112 ATT Pinaka Please buy so my balls don't continue to grow resulting in me booming it. Easy 135/17 with 100% Event...
You do enough for us, Kev, the apologies for anything just aren't necessary. You are the foundation of our server. Thank you for responding and...
As suggested by @Karven I have an additional (small) task that could be added to the list of helpful additions the community manager would...
filled in the ones with some value, others are like 1m~ each if that
How much are you paying per scroll?
Unfortunately I’m extremely pedantic and couldn’t make it past 4:48. Terrible voice actors/acting. The concept itself wasn’t bad though, and I...
I don't really watch movies and I especially hate fiction, but Inside Man is one of my favorites without a doubt.
2.5m each bottom dex 70/30 2m each top str 70 1m 1h bw 30 Lemme know if you’ll take any of these
Bring back the real NeoJunker and SS Junkers srs. EvilKain, Cyberjunker, Nakthy and that random archer Sith something lmao. Crazy nostalgia...
Could make the entire clock tower a feasible location for party training at all levels by implementing aformentioned ideas on the spectrum of...
I’m pro-hate speech, not bothered by racism, sexism, or anything on the “offensive” spectrum, and I firmly believe that we should be able to say...
piggybacking @Archer [IMG]
Top STR 70 Bottom DEX 70/30 One-handed BW 30 Reserving first opportunity on these. I’ll buy them all depending on how you price them. Will check...
So in theory the best rings to choose would be (aside from the unattainable one): Wedding Ring 13 one stat or 8/8 two stat Krex Ring 18 each...
If you do not believe me, you can go ask the staff if it is allowed (it is), and then you can return to apolgize for not listening in the first...
You need to use math (an external resource/skill set) to calculate HP washing. Nothing external needs to take place for an IGN - mesos...
By name she’s talking about an in-game name which isn’t even remotely similar to doing HP washing calculations for mesos. Math isn’t an in-game...
These would not cause him to DC during bosses. Contrary to popular belief, older/worse computers actually run our version of MapleStory...
I think it’s like a week. How can you move on that fast anyways?! Don’t tell me you monkey branched, tsk tsk...
Separate names with a comma.