HAI I bought @CindyTsai's top tq for offers!! <3 Now looking for bottom ~f11
Free bump ~f2
Clay sold for a/w ^_^' [IMG]
24 hrs after last offer
You’ve heard the staff bois and girls, if you were ever friends with someone you got the legitimacy to harass them. It’s not safe
As I said before straight sale, ty tho :)
Hey! u got any offers for it? ~bought bow @czktom ty tho!
Bumpy ~f2
Ya nofrauds in game but can pm me here, not always on :)
Straight sell 1.1 :D
[IMG] S/b 5b A/w 6b Sold for AW :D [IMG] 1.1b
Scrolled bot- 19/9 ~ :D
I’ll be on in an hour or so and pm
As soon as I named my monkey i sent Tim as a meme(I’m dumb and it aint funny i know) and I changed it immediately. People with inappropriate pet...
How can you compare my pics from 2020 to pics from 2014 I didn’t choose to share with people here. God help me Btw gz for first message and for...
Clearly a PR move. Deeply disappointed no gms responded here or to my report.
I saw a doxxing rule before and now I can’t find it. Anyway, Raony has admitted his doxxing actions here on this thread and that’s still not...
Never thought I’d lose interest in this game before I graduate
Hey everyone. Thanks for contributing this feedback thread. At this point of time, I think enough time has passed and I’m asking @Tim to answer...
I’m obviously not upset about him calling me ugly because when we first met he told me and I’m quoting:”you’re 10/10”. I’m upset because it’s not...
Sure. I got a few ban appeals in my pocket showing that people with inappropriate pet names got requested to change and got unbanned which is...
In hebrew saying “motherfucker” can be in a good way to express your satisfaction. Culture differences! I never said being racist is right but you...
Btw Mr. @Tim I had my monkey pet ever since I made this char. Can you please don’t accuse me of stuff you dunno? Seriously, you are no better than...
Separate names with a comma.