It indeed has been a while ^^ The tl;dr of what I was trying to say is that when I apply your formula I do not get the correct values. My...
I strongly disagree with adding items like this on more drop tables. First of all, no normal player "needs" this item. When comparing it to other...
I have linked your post! Allthough I have to note that I am not sure how to apply your formula. When I plug in my numbers I get: (((126 * 2) * (1...
[reserve for update] LF > Data for chance on Attack Styles for weapons affected so I can make formula's for each weapon by replacing (p) and (r)...
Hello fellow min-maxers! I have noticed that this question has been asked several times before. The answer that has been given to this question...
Yes, please. Great idea. Back in my EMS days we used to trade for meso on the Island. For me its still a habit to pick up and npc everything....
No more need for spamming "Pet Equip Check" 3 times and people still forgetting :D!
We've discussed that in Discord and it has been decided that we would not make a vote on the Forums. For the reason of making sure it's the...
-This is a copy of my feedback post in our Discord- Also a shameless bump
All good brother <3 I have intentionally left out any solutions in my comment. The post is long enough. Also I intentionally left out any...
While I'm wishing for the day that Island activity is booming again like it did when I started out. I am not sure if I fully agree with your...
I want to reply to the general idea of making class buffs stackable with potions. Since I play DK I'll be talking about Dragon's Blood....
While I wanted to return to the subject of creating Items Sinks as the initial intention of this thread. OSRS does this succesfully. I would need...
To build upon this idea. Add a (NON-Repeat) quest for each PQ that increases Max HP by +5/+10 It would incentivise basically everyone to do each...
I haven't replied to you since I did know any constructive to add to my point beside adding more arguments to my point. Your point is valid and...
Economy is very hard to get right in MMO's. The only one consistently making an attempts in the right direction is OSRS. OSRS not only considers...
I think I can speak for all us casuals. Yes, please. Yes, omg. Yes to everything. Yes, this. Just overwhelmingly yes. My IRL friends would...
I am very interested to follow the class changes. especcially how you're going to handle it. This game has been solved decades ago and has never...
All in all, the excecution of our run was pretty sloppy. In the Factory due to having pressed shift+ctrl in was attacking with left alt instead of...
[MEDIA] Jordan=noob
Sup maplers, I am looking for 4rth Job Warrior to do Rush Prequest Also I am from the Netherlands (+2h server time) so send me a PM so we can...
Free scrolled gomus for everyone ^^
and I am sitting here trying my ass of to get a +1 Ice Jeans :o
If any of you need scrolled gomus or event equips I have many spare :)
Separate names with a comma.