https://royals.ms/forum/threads/dutchys-shop-event-nx.126953/ reference price for tedtacular bearingtons @ 180 mil
Buying 15 weapon attack stormcaster gloves or work gloves, if interested pm me!
@Egoiste has won the bid for the earrings. PM me.
Godspeed OP. If not 10 slots, then at least some slots buff so that Gellerhead = Maple Shield, that would be fair.
Tim has massive, planetary balls.
26 TMA Shield sold ingame for a/w price. A/W for single earring updated.
You are correct that it is not okay for people to abuse GMs in an unwarranted manner. However, to consider that GMs are never abused is a naive...
Yes, if you don't want to run the server don't run the server.
Noted s/b @Egoiste. Selling in 72h
If you can't handle the heat(warranted and unwarranted) don't take the job.
Noted s/b @Mattias. Selling in 72h
Resting spot sounds good, but not the beginning, imagine going to oblivion 2 to train, someone is in the channel and you cc to be polite, only to...
[ATTACH] S > 10 att fs c/o 6b @Sylither a/w 6.5b accept bcoin/cs/ws not taking downgrade will sell item 24h after last bid. [SPOILER]
Looking for a price check on some top and bottom equips: [ATTACH] Lucida Top: [ATTACH] Lucida Bot: [ATTACH]
Bartol's Requests. Easy five free warp cards to Omega sector.
You might find this thread interesting: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/buff-the-red-katana.107690/ The discussion sort of devolved into...
There's some nice discussion in this thread. One thing I'd like to bring up is the visibility of the rules. It would help if the rules, at least...
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