Sold 21 BWG now sell 16 SCG uwu
Sell WA 18 in 24 hours if no more offer uwu
Noted both uwu (will only sell 1 of them after bids end)
Accepting downgrade now uwu (dear forum please be alive)
Added WA18 BWG but only sell 1 of them uwu
I will note it, but will not close the bid(48H from now) until your liquidation done, hope you understand it.
Not directly related to this topic but I am here to say i don't the silence treatment either. In my another thread in general discussion I asked...
Today I got them on all characters having issue, thanks.
IGN: Phlirty, Fiirae, Coquetture, Fiikania(this one no problem at all) Problem: pretty much just the title Details: Today is the 20th day of the...
anego saikyou:tobenaww:
What about remove WA cancel completely? :sammymug:
I tested that before the reply and it didn't work for me, may I ask your Windows11 version? I'm gussing that compatibility assistant is removed in...
Well changing folder name seems still faster than regedit:admincry: I hope there's a way to prevent the compatibility assistant changing my DPI...
I have no speciafic postive or nagetive thought on new rewards but why removing the shiny onyx apple option? Maybe few people use that option for...
Consider that Royals is a game you spend hundred of hours on only 1WA gear upgrading, I feel this is a reasonable setting that godly MoN only be...
In my post I did mention the throwing star somewhere already! However this is a post mainly for newbies(the total WA example I take it as 200) and...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't want to read or understand...
If you have read my post carefully, I said my case is non-godly HTP vs. 8 WA MoN, so what you think about it? uwu Also it's better to do some math...
I would like to comment a little bit more on damage stuff, this ratio actually vary a lot depend on what attack potion you are using. For my...
TL; DR: My recommendation, don't die, still last hit, still white everything if you can, keep doing it until staff/dev comes here to confrim...
Separate names with a comma.