Got -2147467261 disconnect after redeeming present box, there is no message or newest item effect in inventory, not sure if it's only the message...
I'm glad this year Neo Tokyo is finally not excluded from event but Dunas v2 doesn't seem to drop them sadly, hope there is a server check to fix...
Mentioned previously but this thread had been closed, there is no specific error code after the client crashed. (Isn't Mapleroyals officialy...
Christmas is coming:tobenaww: [ATTACH] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER]
Seems that you are not new person to royals but just new account, despite you emphasize again and again your behavior shows you understand this...
Hello! :)
Can developers fix the client crash issue at the highest priority? We have only two runs per week it's so sad to disconnect from a run when I had...
Pretty much as title says, I have some questions about that, maybe these would need a Dev/Staff to confrim? 1 Generally for a single body boss,...
The screenshot function works now but still crashing my client on windows 7.
pog I'm famous:tobenaww: (p.s. my name is glasia with lower case g)
Speaking as MM main I joined two runs so far, one is before patch and the time ran out when 2nd body still got 70-80% HP, another is the 2nd...
I have not asked yet, myself and one of them are img. By the way some of them said party window thing causing the crash but not me. Edit: another...
Client crashed when doing VL(body 3) this morning, not seeing any error code, could be different issue though. Were like 5/29 people disconnected...
Of course yes, but in ideal case this shouldn't matter though?
Actually these issues had been existed for years I'm just lazy to report it. My character uses 3 blue candles and here are the bugs: 1 If double...
-2147467261 code happens often to me, windows 7 or 10 doesn't matter, is this only the img setup issue? Edit: got different issue on wz setup,...
I use quest specialist instead of virtuoso on my bishop just because of ugliness, glad to see I am not the only think it needs some rework LOL
In previous patch Neo Tokyo cards' effect had been changed to not disappearing when teleporting to Mushroom Shrine, but this happened to me twice...
Had same issue today, using windows 10 64-bit and .img setup, 2/3 crashed, one of them is big client another is small. By the way similiar issue...
Bump, still have issue taking screenshot after patch:(
NL 200(Phlirty)+MM 194(glasia), probably join with only one character at a time tho.
Appearently I report this bug because I wasted a CSS yesterday on a clean item, this scroll is not suppose to consume with a item doesn't have...
It will save the image then crash instantly, have no problem on Windows 10 tho. Client is Sep 16 2022 img. After update #82, keep seeing this...
Separate names with a comma.