good fcking luck selling these, took me 4 months of begging
Hi just doing some research, what happens if you press D + A together, whats your output? Could you test in Discord, the search bar of your...
If you get aggro'd by an Imperial Gaurd and afk in the corner of the map, the guard will attack you forever. That doesn't seem to be the case when...
I was thinking giving up a little achille, my palla will already have 30k hp, and maybe some rush i guess.
Well I think its good that we have so many useful skills instead of a few good ones. Guess I'll just have to make some sacrifices then. Thanks.
god i want this so badly, its so fucking beautiful, *mwah*
not sure if it was mentioned but i heard my pally friend talking about because he was shield build he couldnt get mw20 unless he sacrificed some...
[ATTACH] Is it right to say that this is outdated? The correct method would be to skill reset the max mp, thats the better, cheaper option...
not sure how when or why but this Hunt down a Jr. Balrog for a key and return to The Insignificant Being The Insignificant Being will ask you to...
ok message me in game edit: sold 1295 stoppers sorry
1275 u save money in taxes . stoppers at 400k ea
After talking with my bucc friend he stopped using barrage demo macro and stopped d/cing, did an entire krex just fine.
Two buccs in my trio zak d/ced...did not go well.
inbox rate
9 int yss clean 1.8b a/w
alright thanks, recently your no longer able to just paste an image into your thread, now you have to do this weird stuff where you upload it and...
oof, if we go back a week would that help or are they just gone? thanks anyways
Accidentally deleted all my pictures from this thread anyway to restore my thread to what it was...
Separate names with a comma.