Deleted "iPonder", that was L He was only here to stir the pot
You forgot to remove an outdated step...
Please reset your PIC via Control Panel
Will mark this as [Solved] Please create a new thread if facing similar issue
This error is caused by Windows 11's Memory Integrity...
Hello, this error message is caused by anti-virus blocking the game...
Nuked L-word, he's always around if the thread is about "unban" Note: If he can get unbanned despite hacking + RWT, I would resign without hesitation
Wanna address this portion Depending on the situation, Staff would still consider a permanent ban for [Harassment] related matters (not just...
Do you have a screenshot while in Auf B3?
Unfortunately, we are unable to revert the level You would have to be careful with the purchase of Everstone to maintain as level 50 (CPQer)
Issued permanent forum ban We won't be disclosing any further info that may assist in your future evade attempts
Issued permanent forum ban for multi forums
Will forward to the GMs for confirmation about whether it's caused by NX items
Please be patient for the Admin's view Locking thread for now
Do you still wish to continue the appeal?
Do you still wish to appeal?
Unfortunately, we are unable to do that Will be locking this thread
Please answer Tim's question - do you own any other accounts?
"ব্যান আপিল" এর জন্য আপনার সঠিক তথ্য পূরণ করার জন্য আমি প্রশংসা করি, যাইহোক, দয়া করে এই লিঙ্ক থেকে বিশদ প্রকাশ করা থেকে বিরত থাকুন কারণ অন্যরা...
What's your native language? Would appreciate it if you could confirm it so that we may proceed without further misunderstandings
What's your native language? I requested for the format of "Ban Appeal" but you provided the format of "Account Recovery"
Please post according to the format
Did you test on WZ client too If possible, please upload screenshots of your equipped NX items (from your character profile) so that I may...
Separate names with a comma.