This isn't a bug, it's meant to express thanks for going to Gtop100 If the vote went through, it would be this [ATTACH]
Also, for your shoutbox question about how to obtain the Shiny Nose, you may check out this thread...
Unfortunately, you have to click on the button to be a valid vote All you have did so far is just going to Gtop100 website, but did not cast any...
Just tried voting and received NX without any issues [ATTACH] When you reached Gtop100 website, did you actually click on the Vote button? [ATTACH]
Can you explain your vote process? Are you logged into the right account too?
If you are still stuck with the quest, please submit a Character Issue so that I may request Admins to refund you the quest item (temporary...
Will mark this as [Not Bug] as Zakum will indeed run out of MP after some time However, feel free to bump this post if you still feel it's a bug
Would be good to include screenshots of what happened
Due to the name's spelling, it may have been another character Are you still stuck on this quest?
Do you have screenshots of the mentioned "blocks of lines"? Also, did it occur on WZ or IMG, or maybe both?
As you have mentioned the disconnection would occur on the IMG client, did you try out WZ client too? Please also confirm the skills used by the...
You may vote during the banned period However, please do ensure you strictly only vote once per day (UTC)
There's an issue with old source mounts, you would have to re-do the quest Related thread:...
Will forward your request to the Admins You may update here if you have any other concerns
Will include your issue in the task list Although normal items don't just get bugged and disappear like NX items, would still forward to the...
朋友:你号码找回来了? 我:什麽意思? 朋友:你不是换了个手机号码吗 我:??? 朋友:你不是去马来西亚,手机掉了 我:不是我啊 朋友:然后买了新的手机吗 我:就算手機掉了,也不用換號碼啊 朋友:你不是打电话给我说去马来西亚,手机掉了 我:你是被詐騙了吧 朋友:还好问我借钱我说没钱...
As there are multiple points made, will address them individually 1. if someone assume you are "SpearDom" and harass you, you may submit a report...
Closing the thread as the player's forum has been banned permanently
This is probably unlikely - unless an artist is available to re-draw the Santa Sack animations to fit all of the desired weapons Note: I am not...
Re-summon all of your pets, press [Cancel] when being prompted to change Lead Pet That should solve the issue Edit: additionally, do ensure you...
During the Staff discussion, some Staff mentioned they were rejected from LHC parties I will leave it to them if they wanna reply to your comment...
You honestly think the players doing this exploit (2 lane golems LHC) would invite Staff's legit character
You mentioned "this has occurred at least three times so far" but also added it occurred in patch 92.2, 93, 93.1 and 93.2 It doesn't seem to be...
Closing since it's fixed You may update here if the issue isn't resolved yet
Separate names with a comma.